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“Where is she!" a loud voice shriek followed by the sound of a glass shattering. “Now Loki-" A strong authoritative voice started.

“Father do not lecture me when my child is missing." Loki hissed. He paced the room angrily while the King and Queen of Asgard looked on at him with sadness.

“Loki we will find the child and she will be back in your arms in no time." Frigga said attempting to calm down her son.

Loki stared at her while he ran his hands through his already messy hair. “I- I" He stuttered tying to find words, but he was cut off by the opening of the door.

Both Thor and Heimdall walked in with grim expressions on their faces. “My King, a spell has been placed on the child. I am no longer able to see her. All I know about her whereabouts is that she is on Midgard." He stated sadly.

Loki' s pain filled cry filled the room. As everyone turned to look at him he disappeared.

Odin sighed and turned to Heimdall. “I want that girl found. I also am issuing a realm wide search for Circe her mother." He ordered.

Heimdall nodded and left the room without a word.





Back on Earth

Nick Fury paced the room quietly as the tiny baby made gurgling sounds on his couch. Every once in awhile he would look over to check and see if she was still in the same position. And thankfully she hadn't moved or he would have to touch her again.

By the time Hill had arrived it was around four in the morning. He opened the door to the bleary eyed brunette, obviously a little upset that she was woken up.

“Sir... What seems to be the problem?" She asked stepping out of her rain boots and jacket. He stayed silent and tugged her along to the living room.

She stopped and stared at the baby who stared right back at her. “Well... it seems you do have a bit of a problem." She muttered.

“What are you going to do with it?" She asked tearing her gaze from the infant.

“I don't know.... I have no idea how to care for a baby!" he sputtered trying to make sense of the whole situation.

“Well you could keep her." Hill replied stepping in front of the couch and kneeling in front of the baby.

When she got no answer she beckoned him over. “The least we can do is figure out who she is then we'll go from there." She explained already unfolding the blankets around the baby's body.

Once she had untangled the baby she lifted her up gently and handed her to Fury. “Here hold her. “She ordered. “And hold her head too." She reminded him gently when she saw the glare he was giving her.

Once she saw that he had a firm and secure grip on the child she went back to searching. She held up the green and gold blanket looking it over with her fingers.

“It doesn't look like she came from a poor family." She observed tilting it to get a better look.

While she searched for some trace of the girl Fury struggled with holding the squirming child. Every time he readjusted her, as far away from him as he could possibly manage. She would squirm until she was back snuggled into the crook of his arm.

Finally he gave up and let her stay, leaving her content. “Aww... Cute." Hill smiled but frowned when Fury gave her a another glare.

"I think I may have found something.." she mumbled pulling a small locket out from a small fold in the blanket.

“All it says is Nessa.."

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