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Leilani's POV:

It's been two days once I've last seen Oscar and it's honestly been a relief. All that showing up out of nowhere really stresses me out. Well not only me, Isaac too.

I got up from the kitchen table and started washing the dishes. I was so lost in thought when I got a phone call.

The caller ID said,


Holy shit. Why is he calling me?

I dried off my hands and answered.

"Hey Ru." I said.

"Hey Lei. I haven't heard from you in awhile I just thought I'd call and see how you're doing."

"I'm doing okay if I'm being honest. So is Isaac. How about you?"

He sighed. "Um Lei I'm gonna be honest, I'm not doing the best actually. Um uh Abuela passed away."

My heart dropped and tears started to form in my eyes. "Um when?"

"She passed away last night. She had cancer."

I sniffled a little and wiped my tears that were steaming down my face. "Oh my god Ru I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Lei. We'll be okay, everyone is going to be just fine. She wanted her death celebrated not mourned. That's what I plan on doing."

I sighed. "That does sound like something she'd want." I laughed a little and so did Ru.

"Hey Ru I'm gonna come out there as soon as possible okay."

I could hear his sniffles. "You're really gonna come out here? Just like that after basically disappearing." He kind of laughed.

"Oh piss off bozo." I laughed with him.

"Okay Lei just let me know when you're coming back out here. Alright?"

"I will. Love you Ru."

"Love you too Lei."

I took the phone off my ear and hung up.

I can't believe Abuela was gone holy shit.

But I guess plans have changed. Looks like im going to be stopping by in Freeridge sooner than I thought.

This is about to be real interesting.


Unexpected ~ Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now