Chapter 31

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Leilani's POV:

Not even a week later Oscar returned to being rude and disconnected. It hurt me to see him like this...again. But at least we talked about it when we were on "good" terms. So at least he knows how I feel and takes that into consideration.

"Momma!"I hear Isaac say as he runs down the stairs.

I quickly rush over to him, cause I know he'll fall. "Hey slow down!"

But he didn't listen and busted his knee. He started throwing a tantrum. "Common buddy let's go get you cleaned up."I said picking him up.

"I have an owie."He cried.

"I know Momma's here to help you."I kissed his cheek. He was still hyperventilating and freaking out, but I could see him trying to calm down.


A few minutes later, he had a band-aid and stopped crying.

"You all better now chubs?"

"Yeah! Play Momma! Play!"Isaac jumped up and down.

I laughed. "Yeah we can go play."

He grabbed onto my hand taking me to the back yard.

"Swim?"He gave me puppy dog eyes.

"No, let's not do that right now. Okay? How about you go run around and play with your soccer ball?"

"Yeah! Okay Momma!"He shouted and ran further into the yard.

I watch Isaac play and run around in the yard for about 10 minutes before I was interrupted of my focus on Isaac.

"You need to go. Take Isaac with you, pack your shit and leave." My heart sank.

"Excuse me?" I turned around to meet a lip busted and bruised faced Oscar.

"You heard me. I'm giving you till tomorrow morning."

That was the last thing he said to me before I saw him walk into the house to start making out with some skank.

I was choking back tears. I knew better than to walk up in there and beat the fuck out of him in front of our son.

But I also knew better to fight back when somebody doesn't want you to stay.

"Isaac."I shouted and he came on running. "You wanna go see your Abuela? And see where I use to live?"

"Yeah! I love Abuela's house."He shouted.

"Okay were gonna stay there for a few days, okay? So were gonna pack some bags."

He nodded his head excitedly and walked into the house. Thankfully Oscar and the skank had left to a different room. I couldn't break down, well not yet at least.


Sometime around 8 at night....

I walked out of house, to see Geny waiting out front. I knew it was risky given the fact of what Oscar does for a living. But at least it wasn't an Uber.

Isaac Immediately ran to the car. I let out a soft laugh.

"So you must be the bitch he's throwing out?"I heard a slur of words behind me.


"What? No "Husband" that loved his wife would just throw her out."She snickered. It was the girl from early.

In that moment, a breath of fresh air hit my skin and it felt rather refreshing because the words that fell from my mouth wouldn't have been said two, to three years ago.

"Then you go love him girl, he's all yours. He doesn't want to fight for me, or more importantly Isaac. Then I'm not gonna fight it. So you go love him girl cause that man needs it."I said giving her a awkward smile before going to Geny's car.

But the look on that girls' face was still stuck in my head. I think she expected me to bitch slap her or rock her shit.

But that was the old Leilani. This is the start to a new life. A life that I never thought I'd have to live with out him, but I've done it before. Right? I can do it again... I was staring out the window back to Freeridge. Geny still hadn't said a word to me. She could tell I needed to collect all my thoughts before I said anything. Which was true because everything that just happened, I should've seen it coming. But I'm so blinded by the love I have for this man it's not even funny. I let a few tears slip out. I couldn't believe I had been so naive to so many things.

I couldn't believe that I let myself take that toxic.

(Yes I am that shit author that didn't proof read their chapter because why, because there fucking *lazy* bad for any typos...)

I'm sorry for being a shit author and not posting but here me out....*British accent* my mental health has been a little bit SpIcY this month since school started so I'm a wee it depressed.... But I love you all and I'm so thankful for the thousands of reads that you guys have given this book. I appreciate you all so much.

But with that being said there's only 1 or 2 more chapters so put y'all's mfkn seat belts on....


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