1.0 » only fair

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Kaity awoke with a start, jolting upwards; causing the blankets to pool around her waist. She was vaguely disoriented, unfamiliar with her surroundings, but then she remembered that she had stayed the night at Luke's house.

She lay back down on the pillow, only to be startled again by her phone ringing. It was still in the pocket of her hooded sweatshirt that she fell asleep in. Kaity quickly grabbed it, seeing Michael's name flashing on the screen.

Kaity quickly accepted the call, pressing the phone to her ear. "Hello?" She answered, her voice still groggy from just waking up.

"Kaity," Michael said. "Why are you not at your apartment? It's nine in the morning, what could you possibly be doing this early?" He rambled, not sounding the least bit tired.

Kaity stretched as he talked, squeezing her eyes closed as her muscles loosened. She had to admit, Luke had one of the most comfortable beds she's ever slept in.

"I stayed over at Luke's, Michael," Kaity replied, knowing she was about to get a talking to from Michael, especially because she hadn't told him yet.

"What?!" Michael erupted. "How come you haven't told me? Did you sleep in his bed, his couch? Is his house nice? C'mon, Bug, I need details!"

Kaity sat up with a smile on her face as she listened to her best friend ramble on and on. "One, I slept in his bed. Two, his house is very nice. It's beachy and it feels like a real home. I didn't tell you because it was three o'clock in the morning when he decided I wasn't allowed to go home and your phone call woke me up, so chill out, Michael," she laughed, trying to inform him as fast as possible.

"Okay, but like, did he sleep in the bed with you?" He asked. "Did you kiss him, Kaity?" He continued, the excitement evident in his voice.

Kaity rolled her eyes, "no and no. Besides, what are you doing at my apartment so early?" Kaity slid off the bed, flicking the covers back. She walked over to the veranda, slipping out the sliding glass door. She leaned against the railing, her eyes searching the early morning waves crashing against the sand.

"Well," Michael said. "I was coming to wake you up and go get breakfast, but it seems that you already have plans," he continued. "Well do it another time then, when you're not preoccupied."

"I'm sorry, Michael," Kaity said, biting down on her lip. She always loved when just her and Michael would go out for breakfast. She hated to miss them. "I can drive home quick if you'd like?" She asked, shifting her weight to the other leg.

She heard Michael chuckle through the receiver. He was probably sitting on her front porch steps, his chin propped up on his fist.

"No, no," Michael insisted. "I don't want to ruin your time with Luke. But seriously, tomorrow, you and me are going out for breakfast. No excuses," he said, just as the sliding glass door opened behind her.

Kaity whirled, seeing Luke walking through the door, a tight-lipped smile on his lips once he saw she was on the phone. "No excuses," Kaity repeated. "I'll see you tomorrow, Michael," she said, hoping Luke wasn't going to get the wrong idea.

He was already suspicious of Calum, that much she knew. But hopefully he would understand that Michael was just her best friend and nothing more.

Michael said goodbye in her ear and then Kaity hung up, shoving her phone back into her hoodie pocket. "Sorry about that," she blushed, smiling at the blonde.

"When I found the bed empty, I thought you had left," Luke said, coming to stand beside her at the railing. His blue eyes searched the waves like she had done moments ago. "But then I saw you out here. I knew you would like it," he said, smirking at her from the corner of his eye.

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