1.4 » safe with me

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Michael and Neely had decided to stay over at Kaity's apartment, despite the bonfire only being later that night. They had spent most of the morning watching cartoons and attempting to make chocolate chip pancakes. But ten minutes in, Michael gave up and sat watching SpongeBob with a bowl of fruity pebbles.

They didn't bother to get out of their pajamas, seeing as they wouldn't be going anywhere until they had to leave to go to Luke's.

And after the morning cartoons were over, Michael scrolled through the channels until he decided to settle on the Say Yes to the Dress marathon. But in the middle of the fourth episode they watched, Neely spoke up.

"Do you think I'll be able to bring Dillon with to the bonfire?" She asked, nudging Kaity with her foot.

Kaity nodded, "Luke said I could bring whoever. I think Dillon will have fun." Neely smiled and looked back down to her phone, typing a quick response to her boyfriend.

Kaity glanced to Michael, watching his face fall slightly. She knew he would have a hard time being around Dillon and Neely at the same time, especially when they were so into PDA.

"Hey, don't you think we should start getting ready?" Kaity spoke up, trying to get Michael's mind off of his dreary thoughts. "We should be there by six."

They nodded and headed into Kaity's room and towards her closet. She folded open the white doors and stared at all of her clothes. She had been invited to a beach bonfire before, but never by a guy, especially not one that she was currently crushing on. But she never ended up going. Kaity huffed, turning towards her friends who were perched on her small bed.

"I have no idea what to wear," she said, biting down on the inside of her lip. She looked through her clothes, none of the shirts particularly jumping out at her.

"Let me look," Michael said, getting up off the bed the same time that Neely did. Michael pushed Kaity out of the way gently as him and Neely looked through her closet.

Kaity figured this might take awhile, taking their previous seats on her bed. She crossed her legs over one another, only to be surprised when a shirt hit her in the face, draping over her head.

"Can we please stop hitting me in the face?" She said, grabbing the shirt and tossing it in front of her. Another shirt landed in front of her, just brushing against her calves. "That's better."

This went on for five minutes more, a few shirts landing on the bed until there was a small pile built up. "You do realize that I can only wear one shirt at a time, right?" Kaity giggled, picking up one of the random shirts to look at it.

She had forgotten that she even owned it.

"Yes," Neely answered. "But you need to look perfect. This is practically a date," she giggled, walking over to the bed in front of her best friend.

Kaity rolled her eyes. "No, if it were a date, it would be just me and him," she stated as Neely grabbed the shirt out of her hands.

"Whatever," Michael stated, grabbing another shirt out of the pile. "It's still a date whether you want to admit it to yourself or not," he smirked; tossing the shirt to the side, deciding that it wasn't good enough to wear tonight.

Michael tapped her leg, motioning for her to scoot off so he could lie some of the shirts out. Kaity quickly crawled off the bed, watching as him and Neely paired some of the shirts with shorts in different combinations.

"I think she should wear this one," Michael said, pointing to an outfit with a maroon tank top and dark colored shorts. But Neely shook her head, tapping a finger against her chin.

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