1.2 » one hell of a treat

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Luke and Kaity filed back into his truck after they had dried off and gotten dressed again. "So," Luke said, backing out of his space and leaving the parking lot. "I think we need to go out for a celebratory lunch, what do you think?" He said, sending her a small smirk.

Kaity rolled her eyes but nodded; she was starving. Luke kept the radio low as they drove. Kaity presumed they were going back to the diner by his surf spot, but she didn't mind. She loved the quaint place almost as much as he did.

It was only a short drive from the pool to the diner, the time spent quietly between them. But she was sure they would talk more when they were inside and seated.

Luke pulled into an open parking spot and threw the truck in park. Both him and Kaity got out of the vehicle, Luke waiting for her to round the truck before walking towards the door.

Upon walking in, the waitress recognized Luke and led them both to his usual table by the window.

"Are you going to get your chicken fingers again?" Luke asked, flipping open the menu and letting his eyes scan over it.

Kaity blushed, but nodded, not even bothering to open the laminated menu lying in front of her on the table. "What about you?" She asked, her fingers fiddling with the edges of the wrapped silverware.

Luke nodded. "So," he started, his eyes flickering up from the menu in front of him. "Are you up to learn how to surf now that you know how to swim?" He asked. "We can take it slow," he added.

Kaity took a deep breath, looking out the window to the ocean waves beyond. They crashed over themselves with a deafening roar that she couldn't hear, but she knew it was there. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't imagine herself surfing the waves, maneuvering the board over the water.

"I feel like we should take a break for awhile. Maybe we should focus on swimming," Kaity said, turning her gaze back to the blonde across from her. "I only just learned how to swim, I'm not going to be that strong of a swimmer. And to be honest, those waves kinda scare me."

She bit down on her lip, watching as Luke digested what she told him.

"That feels fair," he said, leaning back against the booth. He grinned then, licking at his lip ring, "but sooner or later, I'm gonna get you on that board."


"Where are we going?" Luke asked from the passenger seat of Kaity's car.

He had driven them back to the pool where Kaity's car was, but an idea popped into Kaity's head on the way home. She grabbed onto Luke's hand, hauling him into her car, allowing no questions to be asked.

Kaity grinned almost as wide as the Cheshire cat as she backed out of her parking spot. "You're going to get a lesson of your own," she said, catching his gaze out of the corner of her eyes.

Luke let out a small laugh, "are you going to teach me how to bartend? Piano?"

She shook her head. "No, you're going to learn something much more fun than either of those," she said. "Plus, you're going to meet Neely again. I promise she's much nicer than the first time you've met her."

"She's the one that was with you at the ambulance, right?" Luke clarified, arching a single eyebrow.

Kaity nodded again in confirmation. "Yes, she's my best friend, besides Michael. But he doesn't like the beach much, why is beyond me," Kaity laughed. "He's much more into video games and hair dye."

"I take it he's the one behind the streak in your hair then?" Luke asked, a humorous tone to his voice. "And don't diss video games, every guy is a fan."

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