3.3 » the harder the fall

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The waves crashed against the wet sand, the roar of the ocean deafening. It was still early, the seagulls only waking from their sleep to sing their morning song. The sky was a soft blue, an orange hue was eating away at the color, announcing the sun's arrival.

Luke stood at the water's edge, Kaity by his side as the water washed over their toes. People milled about them, but they were trapped in their own world together. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Kaity asked silently, the slight breeze carrying her words as if they were light as a feather. "Are you sure you want to compete against Shawn before the Triple Crown?" She asked.

Luke tore his eyes away from the ocean, glancing down at her. "Yes, I'm sure. I have to do this," he told her, returning his eyes to the waves. He was trying to judge the time between the waves for when he would finally have to go out on the water.

"Be safe out there," Kaity said again, her voice still quiet. She was tired from waking up so early.

Luke slipped his arm around Kaity's shoulders, pulling her into his body and planting a soft kiss in her hair. "I will," Luke promised, squeezing her shoulder tight. "I'll be fine, don't worry."

"You know that's not going to keep me from worrying," Kaity replied, looking up to Luke. He chuckled and nodded, rubbing some warmth into her arm.

A moment of silence passed between them as they focused on the water. That was the main reason that they had come out there, for Luke to get a feel for the waves. "We should head back to the hotel and get Blake and Ashton before we have to sign in for the competition," Kaity said finally, breaking the quiet nestled between them.

"Actually they should be here already," Luke replied, but still grabbed her hand and threaded their fingers together. He tugged her down the beach towards the hustle and bustle of the competition. It hadn't started yet, but everyone was doing the finishing touches for the end of the hour. "Ashton told me that he would meet us beneath the judge's tower."

Katy nodded and followed Luke closely, weaving throughout the small crowd that had started to accumulate in anticipation of the competition. Finally, they had made it to the judge's tower, finding both Ashton and Blake standing near the scaffolding.

"Hey," Luke greeted, releasing Kaity's hand to give Ashton a small hug and a wave to Blake. "Are you ready to surf?" He asked, stepping back once their hug was finished.

Ashton nodded. "We just need to get our rash guards and I'll be ready for the first heat. We're surfing with each other in the first heat, right?" Ashton asked, tilting his head to the side, his curls following suit.

Luke nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, and Shawn, unfortunately," he added. Kaity looked to Luke, biting on the inside of her lip. She didn't think he would have to surf against him just yet, maybe in the second heat, but not the very first.

"Don't worry about him," Blake spoke up, her voice particularly fierce for it still being early in the morning. "Don't even acknowledge him. He's not worth it."

Luke shot Ashton a small glance before turning back to Blake and giving her a nod. "Let's go get our rash guards," he said, giving one last kiss to Kaity's lips before him and Ashton disappeared in the crowd.

"Should we wait for them to get back or go find a place to watch?" Kaity asked Blake. She really had no idea what she was doing, seeing as this was the first surfing competition that she was attending. Kaity couldn't help but feel out of place.

"They should be starting soon," Blake said. "We can find a place to watch and they'll come find us if they need to," she explained. Kaity nodded and followed her towards the edge of the water.

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