2.1 » a little frisky

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In the morning, Kaity awoke with a smile on her face. Last night had been great and she remembered every moment of it. She remembered Michael and Neely kissing each other with passion, and she reminisced Luke gifting her with her very own surfboard. Then she remembered that today he'd be taking her to face her fear.

She had asked him what he meant by that, but he didn't give her a straight answer. Kaity couldn't figure out what they were going to do no matter how much she thought about it. She had already swum in the ocean, fighting against the waves and currents. She learned how to swim, which, in her mind, was her biggest fear.

But nevertheless, she agreed to meet him at his house at noon.

She tied on her bikini and packed a small bag, wishing that she could pack it properly if she knew what they were going to do. She then climbed into her car and made the short drive to Luke's house.

She parked in her usual spot outside behind his truck, and walked up to his front door, knocking on it. It didn't take long for Luke to answer the door.

Kaity instantly noticed that he was shirtless, only in a pair of swimming trunks. Seeing him like this was such a stark contrast from last night in his leather jacket. But no matter what he was dressed in, he was still attractive to her.

"Kaitlyn, hi," he smiled, his eyes shining bright in the morning sun. "Come on in, there's just a few more things that I need to grab and then we can go, okay?" He said, tugging her forward by her shoulders lightly.

Kaity walked inside, seeing that Ashton and Blake were inside, lying on the couch together. "Hey, Kaity," Ashton waved, Blake doing the same. Kaity waved back, but followed Luke into the kitchen.

"Did you put sunscreen on?" Luke asked, holding up a bottle of it. Kaity nodded her head. That was one thing she made sure to do before she left. "Think you could help me out then?" He asked, offering her the bottle.

Kaity smiled and nodded, taking it from him. She popped the cap open, squirting some of the white cream into her palm before snapping it shut again. She rubbed her hands together and then slathered it onto his back and shoulders.

She worked the cream into his skin, her hands gliding over his tanned muscles. "Turn around," she instructed and Luke did so. She then covered his chest, making sure none of the white color was left.

Kaity grabbed the bottle again, squirting out a bit more of cream onto the pad of her index finger. She dabbed it onto his nose before rubbing it into the rest of his face, leaving the white streak down his nose. He chuckled, his eyes never leaving her face.

"All done?" He asked, quirking a brow at her. Kaity laughed, but nodded her head while biting down on her bottom lip. "I think you forgot something."

She shook her head, giggling slightly. "But don't all lifeguards wear the white stripe down their nose?" She laughed, watching Luke roll his eyes at her playfully.

"This is why I like you," he said, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his face against her cheek. The sunscreen smeared across her face, but Luke took the opportunity to rub it in. "That's all I really needed, so we can go now," he laughed.

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