1.9 » much better

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Kaity's fingers trailed through Michael's hair as his head was cradled in her lap. They had decided on watching the Harry Potter movies and ordered the pizza to go with it. Somewhere in the middle of the second movie, Michael slouched down, his head landing on Kaity's thighs.

She knew he was in a particularly bad mood, so she didn't hesitate to run her fingers through his hair. Ever since he was a kid, he loved having his hair played with. Somehow, it always calmed him down. And being so close to Michael, she absorbed the habit from him.

As the fifth movie ended, Kaity glanced down to Michael. His jaw was slack, a half eaten piece of pizza still grasped in his hand. But he was fast asleep, his eyelashes fanned out across his cheeks.

Kaity smiled down at him, glad that he was finally asleep. She knew the whole Dillon cheating on Neely thing was bothering him immensely. She grabbed the piece of pizza from his hand and tossed it onto the box laying on the coffee table.

She clicked off the television before laying her head back and attempting to sleep. When she finally woke up, it was morning and Michael's head was pressed against her stomach. He had always been a cuddler, so she wasn't surprised to find his arms wrapped around her middle.

She laughed, his head jiggling along with the sound. She grabbed her phone, checking the time. It was still early, only eight o'clock, but Kaity knew that Neely usually started work at nine-thirty.

She shook Michael's shoulder, rolling her eyes when his arms tightened around her and a whine fell from his lips.

"Michael, time to get up," Kaity teased, poking his cheek. Michael whined again, but his eyes fluttered open this time. "You need to talk to Neely, remember?" She reminded.

Michael sighed heavily, but nodded against her stomach. He hauled himself off of her, running and hand through his hair and stretching. "Thanks for letting me spend the night," Michael said, patting Kaity's bare leg.

Kaity rolled her eyes. "Michael, you're always welcome to stay over. But did you want me to come with?" She asked, her tone turning serious.

Michael thought for a moment before nodding, biting down on his lip. Kaity smiled slightly before standing and holding her hand out to Michael. "Let's get this done, then," she said as he took her hand.


Telling Neely about what Dillon did involved a lot of disbelief, tears and throwing things. Needless to say, she didn't take it well. Michael swallowed thickly as he told her, Neely's brown eyes trained on his. Kaity stood back and watched, because it wasn't her place to tell Neely what happened - Michael was the one that witnessed it.

At first, she called Michael a liar, but by the look on his face, Neely knew he was telling the truth. First, she threw her phone, and then she threw the glass bowl that was on her coffee table before Michael wrapped his arms around her and held her to his chest.

Kaity bit her lip as she watched the scene unfold. She had only seen Neely cry a few times before, but nothing to this level. Michael and Neely sunk to the floor with Michael holding her, sobs wracking through her chest.

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