1.3 » make that twice

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Luke and Kaity departed from Neely after their lesson was over and they were changed back into their regular clothing. But before Kaity could walk out the door, she felt Neely tugging her back. She turned around, meeting her best friend's eager eyes.

"I get off at three," Neely said quickly. "The moment I'm out of here I am grabbing Michael and booking it to your place. You better be there because we have some stuff to discuss," she almost squealed, letting go of Kaity's wrist.

Kaity chuckled, knowing that Neely's excitement would only escalate the moment she set foot in her apartment. She needed ample time to prepare herself for the onslaught of questions both her and Michael will ask.

Kaity glanced outside the glass doors towards the vacant parking lot, searching for Luke. He was patiently waiting for her, leaning against the bumper of her car, his teeth tugging at the piercing in his lip. She then looked back to her best friend, Neely's eyebrow raised and her lips pulled in a smirk.

"I'll see you later, Neels," Kaity rolled her eyes and waved goodbye. She pushed open the door, heading back out to Luke so he wouldn't have to wait any longer. "C'mon, Surfer Boy. Let's get you back."

Luke nodded and peeled himself away from her car, rounding the vehicle to the passenger side. They both climbed in, Kaity quickly backing out of the space to get back to the pool where Luke's truck was parked.

He turned on the radio low, keeping it on an oldie but goodie station. Moments like these, when conversation wasn't needed to fill the silence, were Kaity's favorites. She glad that they could just be comfortable together without having to speak.

They drove together for a while, Luke looking out the window at the palm trees whizzing by until he broke the silence suddenly. "It's Katerina, isn't it?" He asked, his oceanic eyes turning to hers.

Kaity chuckled, rolling her eyes but shaking her head. "No, Luke. It's not," she said, lowering the radio volume a bit. She had a feeling that Luke's guessing game was just about to start.

"Katherine?" He asked, whipping another name out quickly.

"Nope," Kaity returned, biting down on the inside of her lip so the loud laugh she was holding back wouldn't escape. She didn't know why he was trying so hard to guess her full name.

Luke pouted, jutting his lower lip out as he thought of another name.







"You hesitated!" Luke exploded, a bright smile widening on his lips. "It's gotta be Kaitlyn," he grinned, a dimple poking a deep cavern into his cheek.

Kaity groaned, covering half her face with her hand, but still peeking out from the spaces between her fingers to keep her eyes on the road. "Please stop saying it," she whined, her hand finding the steering wheel again.

"Why?" Luke inquired, a goofy smile pulling lopsidedly on his lips. "It's not that bad, Kaity," he said, trying to reassure her.

But Kaity shook her head, "it's ugly."

"Well," he returned, laying a light hand on her knee as she drove. Kaity felt her chest tighten at his soft touch. "I think it's cute," he told her, just as they pulled into the pool parking lot.

Kaity parked next to Luke's truck in the empty spot and killed the engines; but Luke's hand remained.

"I had fun today," he said, his thumb gliding over her skin ever so softly. Kaity nodded in agreement, trying to keep her breathing even as she focused on what he was saying instead of on his intoxicating touch. "I'll see you later, Kaitlyn," he smirked, leaning forward and pressing his lips to her cheek before she could protest.

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