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*thank you so so so much for 100K! this book began in early april 2020 as a lockdown project. never thought it ended this big? thank you all for reading my book or books! and.... this book now has a new cover! do you like it? (i have like 3 other new ones but i liked this one the best) keep on reading this book because i still have a lot of ideass! :)

I was sitting in the Monza sun on the McLaren terrace in front of the McLaren motorhome. ''Easy like Sunday morning, huh?'' Jon came to sit next to me. ''Yeah, something like that.'' I mumbled while watching the people pass, the first ones just arrived on the circuit. It was around ten in the morning but McLaren had some big chances for today so they are preparing all strategies.

Charlotte came towards us with three cups of brewing coffee, she sat across from me and put the cups on the table. ''Already seen Lando?'' She asked. ''No, he's still in the board room.'' I grabbed the cup with my name and lifted the cap to put some sugar in it.

''Hey, Lau. Don't be nervous.'' Jon his left hand rested on my shoulder. ''You know, he drives like a beast.'' Jon smiled at me and grabbed his own cup of coffee.

''Yeah I know but the pressure he feels right now...'' I eyed Jon and Charlotte. I take a sip from my fresh coffee as I closed my eyes in delight. ''He's fully in race mode, so I don't think he feels the pressure that much.'' Charlotte added. ''He is so focused.''

On that precise moment Lando and Daniel showed up. He was in black jeans and his white McLaren tshirt. On his head he wore a beanie. ''Lan... Come on, the weather is going to be hot today.'' I eyed him with a grin on my lips.

''Yeah Lando, they take beanie of right now.'' Charlotte said sternly. ''Wow wow wow, didn't know I had three moms now.'' Lando huffed as he took off his beanie and threw it on the table, right near Jon his coffee.

''Mate! You almost spilled my coffee.'' Jon took his coffee in his hands and looked at Lando in shock. Daniel shoved Lando to the side. ''Jon, you can make his massage pretty painful for his punishment.''

''Broooo.'' Lando let out as he pushed Daniel back but Daniel stayed right on his spot with his famous smile. ''Okay, come on Norris. We need to get going.'' Charlotte was already standing. ''See you tonight, love.'' Lando said as he kissed my cheek.

''I believe in you, show everything you got.'' I smile and Lando nods. ''Will do, for you.''

With that he walks away with Charlotte.

That afternoon Lauri was standing in the McLaren garage, orange earmuffs on her ears. She watched how McLaren did a amazing job on the track. ''Stop that!'' Charlotte whisper yells, she grabs my finger out of my mouth. ''Your beautiful nails are going to be awful ugly.'' She smiles.

''They will make it, right?'' I watch how the last laps are called on the speakers outside.

''They will.'' Jon his voice booms in.

And with that a few minutes later Lando finished second and Daniel first. ''Oh my!'' I yell as they cross the finish line. I hug Charlotte and after Jon. ''Told you.'' Jon says as he hugs me. I nod with a happy smile as I got up to congratulate Zak and Andreas. Everybody jumps and hugs eachother.

When they park the cars in Parc Fermé, we all walk up to the crush barries, right for the little stands with their water and caps. Daniel and Lando are hugging eachother. After that Lando runs to his team and practically jumps into the crowd of orange mechanics. Everybody chants and congratulate Lando. He opens up the visor of his helmet and then walks up to me.

I grab his helmet as he put my head against it. ''I'm so proud of you.'' I say with tears in my eyes. ''You did it!''

''Told you I would do it for you.''

hi girlfriend | lando norrisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin