8. With Honor

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With no surprise, the Slytherin quidditch team had Harry Potter as their Seeker. It's almost like they wanted to counter Draco and his position with the one he hates the most. 

Today is Saturday, the Gryffindor team and the Slytherin team are scheduled to play a game of quidditch in the afternoon.

 Hermione walked down the stairs from the girls' side of the tower. She saw Draco standing in the common room waiting for her. She ran for a hug. "Good morning!" Draco returned the hug. "Good morning princess, ready for brunch?" "Of course!" Draco took Hermione's hand, and they walked to the Great Hall. By the time they got there, the boys on the Gryffindor quidditch team already claimed a table for themselves. Draco saw them, he led Hermione over to that table. "Good morning everyone." He said. The guys turned around. "Well, isn't it our seeker boy and his way-too-smart girlfriend!" Hermione giggled. "If you boys need any homework help feel free to ask me anytime." Draco laughed. "Although I'm sure that she would be preoccupied with me." The boys gave these two an "eww love birds" look. Oliver pointed at two empty seats. "Take a seat, we were just talking about some game plans for later." Draco nods.

Hermione didn't understand a single thing about quidditch, but the food was good. Draco made an effort to explain their plan to her, but it ended up being Draco giving Hermione kisses and feeding her pudding while she read a part of their homework to him. They remained in the Great Hall with the rest of the quidditch team for a bit longer, and then they all headed over to the field together.

One by one, the guys walked into the team changing room. Hermione stood outside the door with Draco. "Where do you plan on sitting?" He asks her. "Look for me beside the speaker podium, I'll try to get a seat there, that spot has the best view." She gave him a peck on the lips. "Good luck!" Draco hugged her one last time before the game. "Thanks princess."

Hermione hurried over to get herself a good seat. Phew, no one took that seat yet. She took off her bag and placed it on her lap. It's a bit chilly at the quidditch field. The students started to fill up the seats around the field. Professor McGonagall sat down beside her. "Hello my dear, how are you?" Hermione was a bit surprised to have a teacher sit down next to her. "Oh professor! I've been good, how about you?" "It's a lovely day today, and I hope our boys do their best." Hermione smiled. "Yeah, I hope they win."

Moments later, the horn went off. Both teams flew into the field. Cheering noises filled the air. Hermione spotted Draco, he looks extra good in his uniform with his hair slicked back. 

"Let the games begin!" The announcer's voice came through the amplifiers around the field. Brooms zoomed around in the air, the quaffle jumping around between the guys. "10 points for Gryffindor!" Oliver scored. The audience cheered. Hermione clapped with everyone else, then she tried to look for Draco — who was all over the place trying to catch the golden snitch. She found him speeding past the hoops on their side, with Potter behind him. "Go Draco!" 

BOOM! A loud noise came from a corner of the quidditch field. An uneasy feeling forced Hermione and Professor McGonagall to stand up and see what happened. Two players on the ground, the blond one's leg was bleeding. "Draco!" Hermione ran through the quidditch stands to get to him. Professor McGonagall followed her. "Draco!" She placed her hand under his head, offering support. Draco heard her voice, he leaned in her direction. By the time Hermione noticed that Draco had something in his right hand, the announcer already called timeout. Quite a few professors and nurses rushed over to check on the situation. Hermione looked over at Potter, he wasn't bleeding at all, only his face looked red. Professor McGonagall knelt down by Hermione. "Draco? Can you hear me?" She asked in a worried tone. Draco held out his hand to her. The golden snitch, he caught it before Potter crashed into him. Professor McGonagall sighed. "Hermione dear, would you mind escorting Draco to the hospital wing? Have Oliver go with you." Hermione had both her hands on Draco, helping him sit up. "Yes professor." Professor McGonagall stood up to speak with the other teachers. Afterwards, came the announcer's voice. "Draco Malfoy caught the golden snitch! Gryffindor wins the game!"

Oliver carried Draco on their way to the hospital wing. Hermione carried Draco's bag and some other things. 

The nurses settled Draco into one of their patient beds, then they left Hermione and Oliver alone with him. Oliver stood for a moment. "I'll leave him to you then, even though it's not very captain-like of me to not care for a teammate, but I feel like you are the better choice to take care of him compared to me." Hermione nodded. "Don't worry, and... thank you." Oliver walked out of the hospital wing. Hermione sat beside Draco's bed, he looks so peaceful when he's asleep. His chest moved with his breathing. "Mmm... Hermione?" Draco opened his eyes. Hermione felt relieved. She leaned down to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "Yes it's me. The nurse said that you will be living with a cast for a month." She tried to act serious, but failed because Draco made one of his cute "oh no" faces. She giggled. "You'll be fine. Besides, you have me." She took his hand. Draco smiled. "You're the best. Thank you, princess."

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