10. I'm Sorry

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[Time jump to their fifth year at Hogwarts]

"Draco Malfoy!" Hermione doesn't sound happy. Draco heard her while literally stepping into the common room. "Oh no." He thought to himself. He quickly walks up to Hermione and spreads his arms in an attempt to hug her. "Don't you hug me!" Hermione pushed his arms away. Now Draco is really scared. "Hermione? What's wrong?" He asked, carefully. "What's wrong? You know what's wrong! How dare you!" Hermione pointed a finger at Draco. This can't be good, but Draco is clueless. He went through the day in his head: woke up, had breakfast with Hermione, went to classes with her, had lunch with her, went to afternoon classes with her, had dinner with her, and walked back to the Gryffindor tower after speaking with some classmates. Oh. He didn't walk back to the Gryffindor tower with her after dinner. Oh no. "Hermione I..." "Please don't come up with any bloody excuses for kissing another girl." Draco froze. "What?" Hermione stared into his eyes. "Don't 'what' me. You know exactly what I'm talking about." Draco stood there, still frozen, trying to process what Hermione just said. "Are you talking about Luna Lovegood?" Hermione crossed her arms. "Oh so you admit it." She had a hint of sadness in her eyes. Draco sighed. "Darling look, I did NOT kiss Luna Lovegood." Hermione wanted to argue but Draco gave her a kiss to stop her from speaking. "Before you say anything, let me explain. Yes, I spoke with Luna after dinner, that's why I didn't walk back with you. I wanted to ask her something... homework, yes. I had a homework question to ask her." Draco cursed under his breath. Homework? Out of all the things, why did he pick homework as his excuse? Just like he thought, Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Homework. Draco please. You could've said anything else." She shook her head. Within that second, Draco went through at least 50 thoughts in his head to save himself from his way-too-smart girlfriend. "Fine. You win." "Care to explain?" Hermione sat down on the couch, Draco sat down beside her. He had a very serious face. "Hermione, darling. I... I wanted to ask Luna what you might want as an anniversary present... I didn't want to spoil it for you but also I really don't know what you want. I've gotten you so many gifts and now I'm at a point where I have no idea what to get you... I'm sorry." Somehow Hermione looked relieved. She took his hands. "Draco... I..." Draco leaned for another kiss. "I'm sorry that my actions made it seem like I kissed Luna. I would never! I will only kiss you darling, only you." This made Hermione blush a little. "Honey, I... I'm sorry for blaming you for something that you didn't do." She didn't know whether or not hugging Draco would be the right thing to do at that moment. But he made the decision for her. Draco pulled Hermione into his embrace, his hands went from her waist up to the back of her neck. That kiss mixed all their emotions together and resulted in more love and affection towards each other.

"We didn't see anything!" A few younger kids quickly rushed by the two and hurried up the stairs to their rooms. Draco and Hermione looked at each other. They both laughed. 

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