3. In Class

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It's the first day of classes.

"Hey Hermione! Wait up!" Draco shouts at Hermione when they're walking to Potions Class. The class teacher is Professor Snape.

"Silence!" Professor Snape yells at the class as Draco and Hermione run in. "Well, who do we have here? Two Gryffindors who are late to their first class on the first day. 30 points from Gryffindor." Professor Snape walked back to his desk and made a note of the points taken. Hermione sniffed her nose. "You have a problem Miss Granger?" Hermione just sat down and didn't say anything. Draco sat down beside her. Professor Snape picked up a bottle of potion. "I thought so." He walked towards the board. "So who can tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He stared at Draco and Hermione. Hermione shot up her hand, but the professor stood right in front of Draco. "I don't know, professor." Draco said, helplessly. Hermione offered to help, but Professor Snape ignored her. "Well, looks like there are a few of us who just think they are better because of what happened to their family." Draco suddenly froze. Hermione leaned over to ask what's wrong, but he wouldn't talk. She can clearly see that Draco is really sensitive about his parents. "Umm.. Professor? I think your words are a bit harsh." Hermione said, without looking at Snape. The Professor seems to be offended, but he didn't do anything to her.

The class went on quite nicely, they learned about dragon blood and the uses of it. Hermione really enjoys learning new things, even if she didn't like the professor. Draco on the other hand, was dazing out the entire class. The bell rang. "Your homework is to write an essay on what you learned about dragon blood during this class." Snape said, as everyone walked out of the room. Draco murmured at Hermione. "Can you help me with the essay? I didn't listen at all." Hermione smiled. "Of course."

They walked towards the great hall. "So glad the second class is a study hall." Draco exclaimed. Hermione nodded, although she would very much want to go to one of the self participated classes, she'd rather stay with Draco. They found a spot at the Gryffindor table and sat down. Hermione spotted Potter just a table away, he's talking with his fellows. She decides not to tell Draco, but he sees him. "I want to punch that guy." Draco whispered into Hermione's ears, she giggled. Potter heard her. "What are you laughing at? Mudblood!" Hermione turned her head away. Draco stood up. "Mind your own business, Potter. Or should I say you filthy little Death Eater boy?" This really made Potter mad. He stomped away from their table. Hermione secretly smiled. She never thought someone would stand up and protect her. She kind of likes Draco, just a little bit.

"Hermione? Are you ok? Your face is really red." Draco peeked at Hermione's face, god she's burning red. "Umm... I'm fine..." She turned her face away, and blushed again. "Ok." He sat down. Hermione buried her head in her potions book. Draco just started to scribble down some words on his parchment paper, trying to get some work done.

Their next class is transfiguration. Professor McGonagall is quite nice, well, only to Hermione. Draco has absolutely no interest in this class. He tried to stay awake for the whole class, but it's just too boring for him. At the end of class, McGonagall didn't give any homework, which made Draco a little happy. Hermione just sighed, she's probably going to do some "light reading" (which almost made Draco explode), again.

But what can he say? He likes her. That's what you do when you like someone, you forgive whatever they do or did.

And then it's lunch. They sat together, clearly. The two of them are talking about the classes in the afternoon.

"I have... what?" Draco looked at his schedule. Hermione leaned over. "What do you have?" "A class called Defence Against the Dark Arts." Draco read off his schedule. Hermione patted the table happily. "I have the same class as you!" Draco is relieved when he hears that. Just so you know, Draco is really relying on Hermione, at least for school work.

Professor Lupin is in charge of this class. He's a really interesting teacher. They are learning about merpeople and werewolves in this class. Professor Lupin seems a little nervous. "So, good afternoon class." "Good afternoon professor." All the students replied. Draco is playing with his wand. "Today we are going to learn about merpeople and werewolves. Does anyone know anything about them?" The professor looked around the classroom. As expected, Hermione raised her hand as quickly as possible. Lupin called on her. "According to the books, merpeople are the beings who live under water, and they have tails instead of legs. And the werewolves are beings who will howl at the full moon and turn into some half-wolf-half-men being." Hermione smiled at the professor. Lupin clapped. "Very nice Miss Granger! I can see you have prepared yourself well for this class. 5 points to Gryffindor!" He made a note. Hermione sat down, feeling happy that she answered a question right. Draco just smiled at her, and continued to play with his wand.

The class ends happily (at least for Hermione) with Professor Lupin showing the students some pictures of the merpeople and the werewolves. Hermione took a lot of notes. "No homework tonight!" Lupin said. The class cheered. Hermione just sighed, she's really looking forward to doing some homework. Draco took Hermione's hand. "We have the next class together too!" So they rushed to Flying class. Madam Hooch is already waiting.

"Good afternoon class! I'm Rolanda Hooch, you may call me Madam Hooch. And welcome to your first flying class! Now let's get started!" Madam Hooch seems excited. "I would like everyone to find a broom and stand beside it." Draco and Hermione stood next to each other. "Now, I want everyone to take out their right hand and place it over the broom, like this." She demonstrated. The class followed. "Now I want you to say 'up' to the broom. Try it!" Everyone looked at their brooms. "Up! Up! Up! Up!..." The students are trying hard. "Say it with feelings!" Madam Hooch exaggerated. Hermione was trying really hard. "Up! Up? Up. Up... Oh please just come up already!" Her broom is still struggling on the ground. Draco on the other hand, had some talents. He only said "up" for once, and his broom flung up right into his hands. Hermione was impressed. Draco smiled. "Up!" Draco heard someone say. It's Potter, he's in the class too. The same as Draco, his broom went into his hand the first time he said "up". He smirked at Draco. And Draco (we would've guessed) rolled his eyes at Potter. "Very good class!" Madam Hooch walked back to the front of the class. "Now, I want all of you to mount on your broom. And stay put on the ground." The class followed. A kid named Neville fell down because his broom tripped him. The class laughed. "Now gently kick off from the ground and hover in the air. Don't go too high!" Hermione and her broom were shaking in mid-air, Draco held her hand, and she felt much more stable. The two of them hovered in the air while others were trying to take off from the ground. Then Potter pushed Hermione from the back. She tumbled onto the ground. Draco is officially mad at Potter now. Without Madam Hooch looking at them, he flew over to Potter and tried to knock him off his broom, but that didn't happen, Potter just dropped down a few meters. Then he went up again. "You're pretty dumb Malfoy! Trying to knock me off? In your dreams!" Potter headed towards Draco with more speed. Hermione shouted on the ground "WATCH OUT!!!". But Draco did something no one thought about. He ducked Potter and flung his broom tail at him. Potter eventually fell onto the ground. Hermione smiled, secretly.

The rest of the evening went pretty well.

And that's basically what Hermione and Draco's first few years looked like. They became best friends. And obviously there were a lot of rumors of them being together, but that's not true, yet... 

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