Chapter One

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Hatred is always different when it comes from the one you love most. The hatred he has for me, however, is pure and true. No doubt in my mind that Kace Abraham hates me more that he's ever hated anyone ever. He's had 17 years of hatred growing in the depths of his heart.

Don't get me wrong, the hatred is mutual. His is slightly stronger than mine, but that's because the old hag has had longer for his hatred to grow. But the hatred between the two of us is undeniable.

My twin brother often teases us, saying we are secretly madly in love with each other. He says it because he knows we both cringe at the thought of the other in a romantic way. Away from the immature childhood crush— that I will never admit I had— I've never felt more than hatred for the man we call Kace.

And I never will.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, telling me it's far too early for anyone to ever be awake. It's also signifying my last first day of high school. Meaning my mother should be walking into my room to wake me up in 3... 2... 1...

"Goooooood morning!!" My mother Mrs. way-too-energetic-for-it-to-be-5:30-in-the-morning.

"Sophia Grace, it's time to wake up." I fully ignore her, continuing to sleep. That was, until I felt my baby rat dogs ass on my head. Jokes on her, I just cuddled with the little demon. When she came to the quick realization that that wouldn't work, she resorted to the last thing she could think would get me up. "You know your brother is still asleep." I could practically hear her smirk through her voice.

"That's great, maybe go put Angel on his head." I said, my voice muffled by the pillow my head is buried in.

"And Kace stayed over last night," she said, me humming in response. "Meaning that he is also still asleep. So maybe you could-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, I was up. "Can you grab me a cup of freezing cold water and a camera?" She smiled, walking out of my room to get what I asked for. When she returned, my grin grew as I quickly walked to my brothers room.

Quietly opening the door, I saw him, laying on the blowup mattress he sleeps on every time he's here. Which is too much. I crept over to him, careful to not make any noise.

"Goood morning Vietnam!!" I screamed while throwing the water on him. He quickly jumped up, gasping as if he was drowning.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He screamed at me, assuming I was my brother. Once he realized it was me, his eyes widened as he stood up.

"That was too far Sophia Grace Marie." My brother said, coming out of his bathroom with the truth brush still in his mouth.

"No, James. That was hilarious." I said, grinning ear to ear.

I turned back around, looking at a completely soaked Kace with a shit eating grin on his face, making my eyes widen.

"Okay, okay, listen, you don't have to do this." I all but begged as he walked towards me, his grin growing and his arms spreading out.

In that moment, he wrapped his arms around my head, shoving my, once nice and dry hair, into his wet, freezing cold, gross shirt. "Your such an ass! Get off of me you freak!" I screamed, pushing him away from me.

"Come on Soph, what would your mom think about you using such nasty language?" He's evil I swear.

"You're such a loser. Get away from me, I don't want your diseases."

"I would, but your dumbass is blocking me." He said, standing in front of me

"Now Kacy, what would my father think of you using such nasty language?" I say mocking his last words. My family is practically his family. That's what happens when you've known someone's family since the day you were born and you aren't related by blood.

"You know I hate that stupid ass name.  Shut up and get out of here. It'll take you until 9:30 to look even half decent." He said, walking away from me.

"Right back at you, dumbass."

I walked out of my brothers room and into mine to get ready for the hell we call high school.

I did my makeup and hair, before putting on my uniform. This is one of the perks and crappy parts about private school. The fall uniforms cute enough, my grey skirt ending at mid thigh and the shirt falling to almost the end of the skirt. We don't have a big uniform dress code, especially considering we're an independent school, the student council has ninety percent of the calls on the uniform.

As long as the shirts, pants and skirts are a solid color, and are not denim, you can really wear whatever you want.

I walked down stairs and grabbed the coffee I got yesterday and put in the fridge before my entire family decided to come into our kitchen. People should not be awake this freaking early.

"Good morning Soph." My dad said while kissing my head. He's the only person in the house who always wakes up at this ungodly time of six in the morning. "You're up early."

"Well mom woke me up and told me to wake up my brother, so I just had to take advantage of that." I said while sipping my coffee.

"Is that why I heard mom giggling while getting water this morning?" I laughed at that, which he took as a yes.

"And is that also why I heard my future son-in-law scream at five in the morning?" He said while smirking.

"Aww are James and Kacy getting married? How cute." I said while drinking my coffee.

"Whatever. Do you need a ride to school or are you riding with J?" He asked, making his own cup of coffee.

"I'll just ride with him. Thanks though." I answered, checking my phone.

"Okay sweetie. Love you. Have a good day!" He said, walking out of the kitchen.

"Love you." I responded.

"Oh I'm flattered, but I don't date gross people." Kace said, walking into the kitchen. Why is everyone hanging out in the kitchen?

"Oh you wish." I responded to his gross comment. "Besides f-boys aren't really my type. Thanks though."

"Shut up and get in the car. We have been waiting for twenty minutes." He said, walking towards the door of the kitchen.

"Oh really? Hey James, you up?" I yelled up to my brothers room, knowing the answer.

"Yeah I'm almost ready, but we're early as hell!" He yelled back.

I looked at Kace with a smirk on my face. "20 minutes huh?"

"Shut up and get in the car." He said, pushing me to the door.

"Bossy much?" I said walking to the front door. "J let's go!" I screamed up to my brother.

I can already tell this day is going to be great.


Words: 1201

I can already tell this is going to be so fun to write. I'm trying to figure out how to portray their relationship as more hatred, less he has a crush on her and there's sexual tension. Give me tips if anyone has any.

Also I don't have a specific update day so just expect them randomly lol.

See you guys next chapter!



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