Chapter fourteen

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Todays the day. My birthday. Also my brothers birthday. That's more exciting to me. I quietly walked into my brothers room to wake him up. I climbed into his bed and woke him up.

"Happy birthday twin." I said, smiling.

"Happy birthday less cool twin." He said, waking up.

"Hey you can not be mean to me. It's my birthday." I said, shoving his face away from me.

"Bitch it's my birthday too. And need I remind you that you're the one that woke me up." He said, nearly pushing me out of the bed.

"Yeah you're welcome. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to see your girlfriend who, by the way, is way too good for you." I said.

"One, you're not wrong. Two, not true. I'm seeing her after school. However, I could push you out of my bed causing you to not be able to see your boyfriend who, by the way, is very excited about your date tonight." He said. I started blushing when he started talking about Zach. "Aww does my little sister have a crush?" He said mockingly. He said, resulting in me pushing his face away from me.

"Ok one, you are literally older than me by one minute get over yourself. Two, now, because of me, you get to see your incredible, talented, beautiful girlfriend seven hours earlier! Isn't that fun?! Get up." I said, pulling his arm so he'd get up.

"This is weird." He said looking confused, causing me to be confused. "I mean you being excited about today. Usually I'm the one who has to force you out of bed. I guess that little crush of yours is bigger than I thought." He said almost looking happy.

As much as I love him and Anna being together, and trust me I do, he loves me and Zack being together just as much, if not more.

Once again, I started blushing at the thought of Zach and pushed James out of the bed. "Oh look at that. You're up!" I said sarcastically clapping my hands. "Now get ready. We need to go."

"Happy Birthday Baby's!" Our parents said, coming into James' room.

"Thanks mom and dad." We said at the same time.

We really are twins.


Walking into school was not as bad as I was expecting it to be. When we walked in, no one except my brothers friends knew it was our birthday so thankfully I wasn't bombarded with "happy birthdays" from people I haven't spoken to since kindergarten.

I went to my locker and Anna walked over to me and hugged me. "Hey" she said adding many "y's" to it.

"Hi. Why aren't you with your boyfriend right now? It's his birthday. And that's how I got him out of bed this morning." I said looking at her.

"It's also your birthday." She said raising her eyebrows.

"No it's not. You know this. It's not my birthday today according to literally everyone except you, my brother and Zach." I said closing my locker.

"Whatever. I'll see you later. Love you." She said walking to I'm assuming to my brother.

I then felt hands wrap around my waist. "Happy birthday." He whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

Sophia Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora