Alola, Lillie and Mallow!

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Ash, Dawn, and Brock were all set to head off to Alola, they had new clothes suited for warmer temperatures, and they had just finished saying goodbye to Cilan at the airport, and Delia had just gone back home. Ash, Dawn, and Brock were waiting for their flight, when someone called out "Ash?". The three turned around to see Misty.

"Misty".  Ash responded.

"I...wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you to look for a new hobby. Brock was right, you wouldn't be you if you weren't traveling and battling around the world, and it isn't my place to tell you otherwise." Misty said with genuine regret. "Everyone feels bad, Iris especially. But I can't apologize for them, they'll have to do it themselves. Just...hear them out, ok?"

"Misty." Ash said, a smile growing on his face. "Its fine. You guys had good intentions, they were just out of line. You're forgiven." 

"Thank you, Ash." Misty said. "You wont be hearing anything like that again, at least not from me."

"Good to hear." Ash responded.

"So, where are you guys heading?" Misty asked, changing topics.

"Alola, its a good chance for Ash to take some time off, but we all know he won't." Dawn said, giggling. Misty soon joining her. "I sure hope he doesn't, that'll mean he's changed. And I think Ash is good the way he is." Misty added, both girls were thrown into a small fit of titters. Brock merely stood silent at Ash's side, an amused look on his face, different to Ash's semi-annoyed face.

"Yeah, yeah, chuckle up a storm over there, you two." Ash said. This only made Dawn and Misty giggle more.

"FLIGHT 45, MELEMELE ISLAND IS LEAVING AT GATE 12." The intercom announced.

"That's us." Brock said. "Well, it was nice to see you before we left Misty." Ash exclaimed. "Yeah, same here." Misty responded. "Have fun in Alola, guys." And with that, Misty walked off, happy that she and Ash are back on good terms.

The flight to Alola was long, almost 8 hours and the longer Ash was stuck in his seat at the window, the more antsy he was. He had talked with Professor Oak, and he said he would contact someone he knew to meet Ash and co. on Melemele Island. 

Oak said his friend ran a school, but rather than a school, teaching you about advanced math, or complicated sciences, Oak's friend ran a school entirely about Pokémon. It taught students about the right places to find certain Pokémon, the right training methods for Trainers to use, even some standard battle strategies. It certainly interested Ash, which surprised him, since he never bothered with schooling, since all of them taught things he didn't need, or ever use.

Ash spent the whole trip fidgeting with everything. His shirt, his armrests, Pikachu, even the travel guides in the seat. All his shuffling around was getting on Dawn's nerves, and she made it clear when she swiped the small pamphlet Ash was thumping against the seat between his legs, and whacked him over the head with it. Ash stopped fidgeting after that.

Dawn spent the whole trip trying to fix her hairstyle up as best as she could. She was worried her long hair would cause her problems when it was loose. She had tried to make a ponytail like she had during her Contests, but her favorite beanie would get in her way. She had asked Brock if he had any suggestions, but Brock had no advice, saying he didn't know anything about hair. Dawn hadn't bothered to ask Ash, but she was getting desperate. Ash had suggested braids, which Dawn turned down quickly.

Brock had spent the entire trip trying to find the Pokémon School on his map of Melemele. When he finally found it, he was surprised to see how big it was. The school was easily much bigger then the city hall in Hau'oli City, which was also huge. After showing Dawn, then reaching across her to show Ash, the three talked amongst themselves of how big they thought it would be in person.

The plane touched down on Hau'oli Airport, and people filed off. Ash, in typical 'Ash' fashion, stepped off the plane, and yelled into the wind "HELLO, ALOLA!" which drew multiple looks of confusion by the bystanders, Dawn and Brock, embarrassed by Ash's antics, dragged the shameless teen off to baggage claim. Once they had their stuff, they left the airport, and immediately were hammered by the smell of seawater, and the cool winds. Ash lived for these moments, getting a feel for the atmosphere in a new region. Alola was definitely his favorite feel so far. 

They met Prof Oak's contact, who turned out to be Oak's goofy cousin, Samson Oak. He had led the trio to the Pokémon School, easily the largest building in Hau'oli, in terms of size. There were taller buildings, but the school took up the most space by far. There was the largest building, with all the main classrooms, there was a separate building for the cafeteria, and there was even a Tauros racing track. That Ash did not notice he was standing on.. He wound up standing in the middle of the track, after following a small, woodpecker like Pokémon.

"LOOK OUT!" A blonde girl wearing a white sundress and sunhat shouted at Ash, which only pulled his attention away from the Tauros charging at him. By the time poor Ash saw the bulls trying to not hit him, it was too late. The green haired girl riding the Tauros that trampled him, had managed to stop the bull, and quickly ran up to him. 

"Are you OK? I'm so sorry!" The girl apologized in a panic. The blonde girl that tried to warn him was also with her. Dawn and Brock quickly ran up to join the two girls checking on Ash. "Ash, are you OK?" Dawn called.

"I'm fi- I'm fine. It was an accident, no, eh, major harm done." Ash got up, dusting himself off. The blonde girl seemed impressed at Ash just shrugging it off. "Most people who get hit by Tauros are in the hospital, but you look fine!" the girl exclaimed. Ash chuckled, "I've been through way worse then a Tauros trampling me."

The green haired girl inspected his arms. "You're hardly even scratched! Well, anyways, sorry about that, I'm Mallow!" 

Mallow continued, "That Tauros in particular has trouble stopping, most others would have been able to avoid you. Although, why were you standing in the middle of a Tauros racing track?" she asked

"I didn't realize I was, I was just following a bird Pokémon." Ash explained, slightly embarrassed at his unawareness.

The blonde girl merely giggled. "I know what you mean, Pokémon distract me too, sometimes. I'm Lillie." 

"She loves Pokémon, but has trouble being near them, she has lots of trouble touching them, too." Mallow threw in.

"I can touch a Pokémon, just like anyone else can, Mallow!" Lillie pouted.

"OK, lets see it then Lillie." Mallow said with a mischievous grin, she whistled over her Tauros, who sauntered over. Lillie stayed as still as she could, but once the Tauros had accidently brushed her leg with its tail, Lillie quickly bolted behind Ash, using him as cover. 

"See?" Mallow said to Dawn, looking slightly worried for Lillie. Lillie blushed when she realized she was hiding behind Ash, and awkwardly stepped back from him. *ahem*  "Well.. uh... are you three new around here?" Lillie asked, desperately trying to change subjects. 

"Yeah, us three arrived today, actually, with Samson Oak." Brock explained. "Actually, speaking of which, where did he go?" Dawn asked.

Samson was standing near the entrance, watching the interaction between the group. Over his phone, Samuel was laughing at Ash's typical bad luck. 

"Ah, Ash tends to unintentionally cause mayhem wherever he goes, but the boy means well." Oak explained, after done chuckling at Ash's accidental antics.

"I see that. The kid means as well as a Psyduck giving you a Luvdisc." Samson exclaimed, his face somehow changing into the Pokémon who names he used. Oak chuckled at Samson's ridiculous sense of humor.

"Keep an eye on him, Samson, and I'd be willing to bet that you would bear witness to something extraordinary." Samuel said proudly, then he and Samson hung up, and Samson started heading over to the track to grab his crew.

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