Break Time

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"We won!" Ash yelled, shooting a fist up into the air. Cheers rang out from everyone as they celebrated their victory. Ash picked up Pikachu, cradling him gently in his arms. "I'm proud of you, buddy." Ash slowly pulled out Pikachu's Pokéball. "I know you hate getting in this, but please. Get in there. I'll get you to Nurse Joy and you'll be good as new."

Pikachu relented, tapping the ball and getting absorbed into it. Ash put the Pokeball with the others as he returned every other mon except for Greninja. "I'm proud of you too, pal. Now give me a hand with Lusamine." Ash said as he and Greninja hoisted Lusamine up.

"What do we do about that?" Gladion asked, jerking a thumb back towards Nihilego, laying on the ground.

"Just leave it." Lillie said. "Hopefully we'll never have to deal with an Ultra Wormhole again, so we don't have to deal with it ever again either."

Ash felt inclined to walk away, but deep down, he knew that it just wasn't who he was. He passed Lusamine fully over to Greninja, before walking over to Nihilego. Gladion and Lillie watched, cautiously. But also curiously. As Ash got closer, he saw that the gelatinous jellyfish was hardly alive. It was covered in bruises, parts of the gel around its head were cut, it was shivering from being frozen, and unable to move with it's tentacles. Despite the sinister intent it had, Ash couldn't help but feel bad for it. So he did the only thing he thought to do. He pat it gently on its head, letting his hand run over the cold, jello-like body of Nihilego. "Gladion, you wouldn't happen to have anything, would you?" He asked.

"You can't be serious, Ash." Gladion said, placing a hand on his hip. "That thing just tried to kill us. Why would we- what part of you thinks that healing it is a good idea?"

"It's done some horrible things, I know. But it's still a living thing. Look at it." Ash said, holding the jellyfish's head up. "It's... not gonna make it if we just leave it. Nothing deserves to die like that. Alone, scared, in pain. It's wouldn't be right."

Gladion turned to Lillie. She shrugged. "Maybe he's right?" She said. "Nihilego is obviously a rather intelligent Pokémon. I'm sure that it's learned the hard way not to try and abduct people now. Maybe we can just help it be able to at least move around?" She proposed as she knelt down beside Ash.

Gladion shook his head and sighed, pulling his hand up to his forehead. "Fine, fine. But I swear to Arceus..."

"It won't happen, Gladion." Ash interrupted. Gladion nodded before he pulled a few bandages and a Hyper Potion out from his bag.

"I swear you two and your bleeding hearts are gonna be the death of me one of these days." Gladion said as he sprayed the Hyper Potion over the more severe wounds as Lillie put a few bandages and wraps over others. Once they finished, Nihilego slowly raised. It tested out movement of some of its limbs and the rest of its body before it turned up to look at the three Trainers. Though it couldn't speak without Lusamine anymore, it was obviously confused.

"Yeah, we helped you, even after all that." Ash said. "Don't make us regret doing so, though. No more kidnapping people, yeah?" Ash smiled as the jellyfish nodded. "Good. Alright, you're fine." Ash pat the jellyfish on the head a few more times. "Alright, off you go now." Ash shooed Nihilego away. The jellyfishes floated away into the distance.

"Okay, let's get back to the Wormhole now." Gladion said, as Ash finally returned to give Greninja a hand with Lusamine. Gladion turned to scan the horizon. "One of you two remember where it is?"

"I do." Lille said.

"Great, my Pokémon we rode on are in my pocket, mind letting them out?" Ash asked. Lillie reached in and pulled the three Pokéballs out, releasing Charizard, Staraptor, and Noivern. Greninja and Ash hoisted Lusamine up onto Charizard's back as Ash hopped up behind her after returning Greninja for his rest. Gladion and Lillie got onto Staraptor and Noivern, and Lillie and Noivern led them all back to the Wormhole. Ash and Gladion pulled Lusamine down and Ash returned his three flying Pokémon, thanking them for their help.

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