Weed Whacker

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Ash was battling the Totem Lurantis, for Mallow's Trial. He walked into the Trial feeling good of his odds. He breezed through the actual Trial, and felt good with his line-up. While Pikachu, Greninja and Rockruff may not do much damage against Grass-Types, Torracat and Rowlet both have resistances, and damage boosts against them. As long as his Alolan Starters can hold their own, he'll do just fine.

So why was he down to 2 Pokémon?

Lurantis was much more dangerous then Ash gave it credit for. His strategy was to start off strong with Rowlet, then follow up with Rockruff and Pikachu. Torracat would hopefully be his last Pokémon required, and Greninja was raring to go if it all went south.

Torracat and Greninja were all he had left.

His team fell quickly, and he was at a loss for words. Rowlet was quickly knocked out with an X-Scissor, and the poor bird couldn't even hit the Lurantis. Rockruff and Pikachu both fell to Low Sweep, and both where knocked back into Ash, knocking him over as well.

Lurantis struck Torracat with X-Scissor, and Torracat responded with Fire Fang. They were on even ground, neither overpowering the other, Torracat's fangs were locked against Lurantis' pincers.

Then it happened. Lurantis' leg swung out with Low Sweep. Now Ash had 1 Pokémon left.

It amazed Ash. Most of his battling against Grass Types were victories for him, since he always had a Fire or Flying Type to ravage them. Yet, both his Flying and Fire Type fell to the Totem. He returned Torracat, and thanked him for trying.

Lurantis was not a very brutish fighter, but it's technique was unparalleled. Lurantis, a Pure Grass-Type was putting most Fighting-Types to shame with it's fighting.

Ash silently dreaded this moment, when he had finally had to use Greninja in a battle. He was anxious to use Greninja at all, but it was finally time. He had to do so at one point, right?

He threw out his last resort, and Greninja stood before him. Ash and Greninja were both nervous for the time to come, yet were absolutely ready for it. They silently planned, using the link between their minds, before Ash smirked.

Facing off against a powerful Grass-Type. Ash smiled, as Sawyer came to his mind.

"Talk about Deja-vu." Ash muttered to himself. "Alright, Greninja. You know what to do."

Greninja did, in fact, know what to do. Ash and him had practiced it over and over. Again and again. Until Ash and Greninja both had it completely memorized.

Greninja's fists gained a white sheen to them, and he rushed Lurantis down. Aerial Ace was Greninja's strongest asset right now. Greninja dodged Low Sweep, and delivered an uppercut to the Totem's jaw, launching it upwards. A swift kick followed, and Greninja had launched Lurantis back. Lurantis retaliated with X-Scissor, and Greninja had leaped away, to avoid the strike.

Ash was confident in Greninja's capabilities, but he was still wary. Greninja may have Aerial Ace to deal good damage, but Lurantis has three moves that Greninja is weak to. Low Sweep, X-Scissor and an unidentified Grass Type move to play against Greninja's Water-Dark Type. Ash could actvate Battle Bond, to make Greninja's moves stronger, but he decided against it.

Ash used his Battle Bond link to give Greninja his next move. Diantha's idea of using eye-motion to give commands was incredibly smart, and truly displayed her bond with Gardevoir, but Ash and Greninja didn't need to come up with any sort of code of what motion means what move. Their mental link allowed them both to simply...know. Greninja sometimes knew what move Ash wanted him to use before Ash himself does. One of the many benefits of having a bond like that, he supposed.

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