Choices, Choices...

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"" a weak voice rasped out before it changed. Sinisterly. "Mmm... to speak... communicate. It would almost be refreshing, if it weren't for you."

Lusamine loomed over Pikachu, turned purple from poison and slowly rising back up to his feet before his neck was wrapped in a long tentacle, sharp stinger slowly tracing along its cheeks, unfazed by the week electric zaps. The other tentacle swung, blowing away the dust.


"Pikachu..." Ash muttered, watching his friend struggle beneath the tentacle.

Lusamine drew closer, floating by completely calm. "It's so... interesting to me, boy." Nihilego spoke through Lusamine. "How feeble life is. How easily it is created, and... snuffed out." It squeezed Pikachu's neck, the poor mouse letting out a distressed squeak as he tried to free himself. Ash felt the veins in his head explode as he wound up a punch and connected his fist to the gelatinous substance surrounding Lusamine's head. His fist harmlessly bounced off the gel.

"How much people can try to prevent loss..." Nigilego continued, the smirk on Lusamine's face growing wider as Ash continued to punch, his punches growing weaker and weaker with desperation to free his friend. "Even though it comes all the same." Nihilego raised Pikachu up above its head, before swinging down as hard as it could, slamming Pikachu into the ground.

Rocks flew from the impact, and time felt slow as Ash watched his lifelong partner lay in a crater in the ground. And for the first time in his life, Ash felt rage. Pure, unadulterated rage. He's been angry, but this was different, like he went rabid. He felt his teeth grinding against themselves, felt his knuckles go white from how hard he clenched his fist, and felt absolute hate for the demon that had beaten his partner while he was down.

Ash wanted to kill.

Ash, and a certain someone who his emotions are bound to. The Pokéball on his belt shook. Softly at first, but getting more violent with each shake. Faster and stronger until it was practically vibrating on Ash's waist. The top of the ball suddenly... cracked.

Right through the little blue shuriken.

The ball burst apart, and Greninja burst out. His normally calm stature was now feral, hunched down like he was backed against a wall, kunai's formed from water in both hands, ready to swing at any second, muted red eyes now bright like a ruby. Ash and Greninja didn't move a muscle, simply glaring at Nihilego with every ounce of rage that they could, until the vortex slowly built up around Greninja. Rising from the ground to completely cover Greninja like a cocoon, until it burst to life. The swirling water became more akin to a hurricane, the waves of water became sharp like a buzzsaw. They collected on Greninja's back, before it formed the large shuriken nestled on Greninja's back.

Ash Greninja stood tall, unmoving, yet ready to pounce at any moment.

Nihilego chuckled. "Though all that effort to prevent the inevitable sometimes can bear fruit to things like this... that is what makes it so interesting."

Gladion came over to stand beside Ash, clapped a hand on his back before pulling out Silvally's ball. He threw it and Silvally landed on the ground beside Ash Greninja. Lillie approached on Ash's other side as Snowy planted herself beside Greninja.

"We've got ya, Ash." Gladion said.

"Now and forever..." Lillie addded.

Ash let out his breath. Gone was his rage, now determination coursed through his body like adrenaline. "The last words out of your sorry mouth... will be you BEGGING ME FOR MERCY!!" Ash yelled as Greninja launched his shuriken at Nihilego, spinning like a razor as it sliced through the gel surrounding Lusamine like a hot knife through butter, until it reformed.  Nihileho reeled back, unable to react to the blistering speed of the shuriken. Greninja readied another shuriken but this time Snowy froze it before Greninja launched it, cleaving a tentacle clean off. Nihilego screeched as the appendage grew back, before launching a Venoshock at the three Pokémon. Gladion slapped a Steel chip into Silvally, who stood in front of the other two to take the hit for them, leaving completely unfazed.

"We need to get Lusamine out of there!" Gladion shouted over the sounds of battle.

"But how!?" Ash yelled back.

Lillie gasped. "We freeze it! If Snowy and I could freeze the gel around Mother, all we would need to do is pull her out!"

"Best idea we've got so far! Lillie, freeze 'em, Gladion, we lay down the beating! Let's do it!"

"Powder Snow!" Lillie yelled, as Snowy unleashed a freezing blast of cold air at Nihilego.

"Tri-Slash!" Gladion ordered as Silvally pounced at Nihilego, slashing it with its giant claws three times before it got thrown off.

Greninja felt Ash's voice in his head. He picked up Snowy, pacing the vixen on his head before running as fast as he could, running circles around Nihilego.

"Gladion! Keep Nihilego in place right there! Lillie, flash freeze him!"

"Yeah!" The blondes yelled. "Powder Snow!" Lillie shouted, and Snowy again blasted Nihilego with freezing air, hitting every single inch as it sat upon Greninja running circles around the jellyfish, but it had knocked off any ice that formed. Silvally pressured Nihilego with bites and slashes.

"We need a stronger Ice Move, Lillie!" Gladion yelled.

"It's the only one I've taught her!" Lillie shrieked as a stray Venoshock flew by everyone's heads. "SNOWY! YOU CSN DO IT!"

The vixen tried again, but instead of cold air, it blasted a beam of pure ice, freezing Nihilego in place from hitting every angle.

"Ice beam!" Ash yelled.

"Incredible, Snowy!" Lillie shouted.

"Great job, now let's get Lusamine!" Gladion yelled as the three ran up to the frozen Nihilego.

"Grab her leg!" Lillie yelled as Gladion grabbed the protruding leg from the big chunk of ice. One by one, everyone grabbed on and pulled, but Lusamine wouldn't come loose.

"Ash!" Gladion said, pulling out another ball and releasing his Lycanroc. "Need more 'Mons!"

"Yeah, alright!" Ash yelled as he tossed his other Pokéballs into the air. His Alola team burst from the balls. "Grab onto Gladion! We've got a mother to save!"

"No!" Nihilego burst from the ice and tried to pull Lusamine further inside him, and grew angry at the resistence. "You will not steal my host from me!"

"And you won't steal my mother!" Lillie yelled as, one by one, everyone latched onto each other and pulled with all their might, and with one last heave, they removed Lusamine from the gel.

Nihilego picked itself up from the floor, before screeching as long as possible at the three Trianers and their Pokémon. They gave each other a nod, before they all yelled out their command.

"Hyper Beam!" Silvally charged up the laser in his mouth.

"Water Shuriken!" Greninja pulled the shuriken off his back and spun it as fast as possible, bursting from blue to org he in a flash of colour.

"Ice Beam!" Snowy charged up the freezing cold beam.

All three attacks reached as high as they could. The three Trainer's yelled at the top of their lungs. "Now's our chance! TRIIIIIPLLLLLE... FINIIIIIIIIISSSSSHHH!"

The three Pokémon unleashed their attacks together, mixing together, one small freezing cold laser orbiting around a massive laser that could destroy a star, and up at the front of those lasers, a massive, orange shuriken that cut through even the air as it sailed towards it target, and as Nihilego felt the first breeze from that massive attack, he knew. He knew how doomed he was.

The connection between the Triple Finish and Nihilego caused an explosion that shook the very ground they stood on. Nihilego laid defeated on the ground.

"We did it..."

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