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Wela Volcano Park was where Kiawe hosts his Island Trials, but the actual Trial site was up at the top of the park. This was also one of the 2 Trials where spectators are not allowed. Kiawe was waiting for Ash, with a group of 3 Alolan Marowak, and a man with a very large backpack.

"Alola Ash. Ready for Akala Island Trial number two?" Kiawe asked. 

"You know I am. What's the group behind you for?" Ash asked.

"These 4 are part of the Trial. Ash, this is a friend of my father's, Joey." Kiawe said, introducing the man with the backpack. "Howdy." Joey said.

"And these Alolan Marowak have been part of the Island Trial for a long time now. Or, well... their ancestors were. This is actually these Marowak's first times doing an actual Trial." Kiawe explained. "Now, let me fill you in on what you got to do for this Trial." Kiawe said, giving a demonstration. 

The 3 Marowak began a dance, and Ash was thrown for a loop. He was not expecting this in an Island Trial, much less Kiawe's. Kiawe was more battle-crazy then Ash himself was, so Ash was prepared for battling, not dancing.

"I need to... dance?" Ash asked, not sounding very excited.

"What? No." Kiawe said, trying to restrain his laughter. "No Ash, you don't have to dance. You need to observe the dance the Marowak do. One of them will do something different then the others, and you need to spot it. If you do, then you look for a difference again, with a different dance, and Joey will join the Marowak. If you spot it again, then you can battle the Totem Marowak." Kiawe explained.

"Oh, okay, I can do that." Ash said.

"Before we start, let me give you another heads-up." Kiawe said. "If you don't get the right answer, the Marowak who did something different will battle you, and you will restart the whole Trial."

"Okay, so... no mistakes." Ash said. "I got it. Thanks, Kiawe."

"You bet! Good luck." Kiawe said, before he stepped aside, and blew a whistle.

The 3 Marowak began their first dance. They spun their bones around multiple times, while trotting in a circle. They followed up by hitting their bones against the ground, and finished by Tossing their bone to their other hand. Ash watched closely, and noticed one of the Marowak had tossed their bone to the opposite hand of the others at the end.

"So, didja see any difference?" Kiawe asked. 

"Yeah. That Marowak there." Ash said, pointing the the one up front. "He tossed his bone to his right hand. The others tossed it to their lefts."

"Good eye! Now, I kinda lied earlier. You need to battle a Marowak whether you guess right or wrong. Its a little trick I pull to catch Trial Goers off guard." Kiawe said with a mischievous grin.

"Didn't work on me, then." Ash said, as he let Rowlet out. "I figured there would be a catch. You love battles too much to not include them in your Trial at all, unless the Trial Goer fails."

"Guilty as charged." Kiawe said, shrugging. "Have fun! Don't go overboard, though. You need that Marowak awake for the Trial."

Rowlet and Marowak fought, and eventually, Rowlet came out on top with a well-placed Tackle. Kiawe patched Marowak up, and it joined the others. They began their dance again, but Joey jumped in to act as a distraction, which Kiawe confirmed was part of the Trial. Joey was a great diversion, and Ash found himself having trouble keeping track of what was happening. The Marowak were all moving in almost complete sync, and Ash was worried he wouldn't catch a difference. Then he saw it. 

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