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For the next 4 weeks, Ash would head to Lillie's mansion, to help her get over her PokéPhobia, one step at a time. The two teenagers quickly thought up a solid schedule they followed each day. 

Ash would call out Litten, Pikachu, and Rowlet individually. Lillie would pet each of them separately, before trying to give all 3 a small hug. If Lillie froze when touching them, Ash would move her hand away, and they would move on.

One day, Ash had Lillie pat Litten, and she froze when she touched it. Ash moved her hand away, but as soon as her hand was off of Litten's head, she had moved her hand back, and touched Litten without freezing. In shock, she reached over and touched Pikachu, without freezing. She didn't freeze when touching Rowlet, either. In an odd, mush of happiness and thankfulness, she reached over and gave all 3 a small hug. Without freezing up at all.

Ash sat in shock. She did it. She got over her phobia!

"Lillie..." Ash said, as shocked as her.

"I-I did it." Lillie said slowly. Her face shifted from shock to happiness.

"I did it!" She yelled happily.

"I did it! Ash, you saw that, right?" Lillie asked Ash.

"I did. You did it!" Ash said, happy for his friend.

"Thank you, Ash!" Lillie said, as she jumped at Ash, and hugged him as hard as she could. "Thank you so much!"

Ash hugged her back, albeit much gentler. "You're welcome, Lillie!"

Unknown to the two happy teens was Lusamine standing above them on the balcony, proud of her daughter for getting over her fear.

"Ash... I owe you a great debt." Lusamine whispered, before walking inside. She sat down on her bed, and pulled a small photo out of her nightstand. The photo was a black-and-white picture of Lillie. Lillie held a small Cleffa in her arms, which only made Lusamine tear up. "Thank you for fixing my biggest mistake, Ash." Lusamine whispered once more.


Lusamine had asked Ash about the Island Trial, and if he was going to take it, which Ash obviously, and vigorously agreed to. 

Lillie found herself smiling at Ash's love for battling and adventure, and his clear care of his Pokémon. Pikachu clearly trusts Ash with it's life, and Rowlet has taken a liking to Ash. Even Litten, who doesn't show affection all that much, has become very attached to Ash.

Lillie was embarrassed to admit it, but she was jealous of how easily Ash made friends with Pokémon. She didn't even have a Pokémon herself, yet she could have gone to get one 5 years ago. Her phobia kept getting in the way of making a friend out of Pokémon, but Ash... Ash changed that. He helped her, gave her the chance to have a Pokémon of her own, a partner of her own. Lillie almost squealed at the thought of having a Pokémon friend.

"Mother." Lillie said, getting Lusamine's attention.

"Yes, Lillie?" Lusamine responded.

"I was wondering... now that I got over my PokéPhobia, could I perhaps go and get a Pokémon of my own?"

Lusamine squealed when Lillie asked her question, confusing both Lillie and Ash, who wasn't paying attention to the conversation, whatsoever.

"Ms. Lusamine?" Ash asked, confused at Lusamine's short outburst of excitement.

"Of course you can!" Lusamine  loudly agreed. "In fact, I have something for you. But first, we need to go to Aether Paradise. Ash, you come too." Lusamine said, before pulling out her phone, and calling someone.

It wasn't long before the mansion started to lightly shake, rising confusion from Ash, Lillie, and most of the staff.

"Come on, you two." Lusamine said. "We're off to Aether Paradise." When Luusamine led Ash and Lillie outside, the duo found the cause of the rumbling. It was a helicopter.

"Alola, Jerry!" Lusamine shouted to the pilot when she got in.

"Alola, Ma'am!" Jerry replied. "Where to?"

"Aether Paradis, please." Lusamine said.

"Right-o!" Jerry said. Once everyone was ready to go, jerry took off towards the island that made up Aether Paradise.

A/N: Alright guys, I have plans for Aether Paradise. Ill list off the 3 things I have planned for the events that happen there.

1. Meloetta is going to make her debut

2. Lillie is going to get Snowy's Egg

3. Gladion will make his first appearance

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