Fresh Starter!

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Samson led Ash, Dawn and Brock around the school showing them all the important places, and asked Lillie and Mallow to take them to Kukui's class. Lillie and Mallow met there other classmates in the hall nearby the classroom, and told them that three new classmates arrived to join in.

After being introduced to the passionate Kiawe, the intelligent Sophocles, the mysterious Lana, and getting a real introduction to the shy Lillie, and the cook Mallow, the party entered the classroom to meet Kukui.

Kukui welcomes the class with a hearty "Alola, guys!" to which the class responds "Hello, Professor!" 

Kukui looks over to see the three new classmates, and for a split second, Brock saw a look of shock and familiarity when Kukui looks at Ash, then immediately vanish to introduce himself. "Alola there! I'm Kukui, the regional professor! Who are you guys?"

Brock had a feeling Kukui knew full well who Ash was, but Ash and Dawn seemed oblivious to it and introduced themselves.

"Hey... uh, sorry, uh... Alola, Professor! I'm Ash!"

"Alola, I'm Dawn!"

"Alola, I'm Brock."

"Ash, Ash Ash Ash...where have I heard that name?" Kukui pondered for a second "Wait. Ash Ketchum? 2nd place of the Kalos league? With the Greninja?"

"Yep, thats me!" Ash exclaimed.

Kukui seemed...proud? Brock was truly getting confused now. Why would the regional professor be proud of a boy he just met? There must be some other way Kukui knew Ash, not just from his Kalos league run, perhaps an old friend of Delia? Professor Oak?

As Brock silently pondered, Dawn was busy having a chat with Lillie, Lana, and Mallow. The three were becoming fast friends. Meanwhile Kiawe stood in shock. When Lana noticed, she had merely sighed, "Guys, Kiawe's about to blow." She said in an annoyed tone.

"No...way." Kiawe slowly spoke. "THE Ash Ketchum? We gotta have a battle! RIGHT NOW!" Kiawe was really excited, as Ash could've sworn he saw steam coming out of Kiawes nose when he breathed.

"A battle? I'm down. But don't you have 2 Pokémon?" 

"Yeah, a Turtonator, and a Charizard. Why?" Kiawe asked, confused.

"Well, I only have Pikachu." Ash admitted.

"Don't worry, Ash. School has been out for a while. We'll head to my lab, and I'll give you one of the Alolan Starters!"

"Really?! Thanks Professor!." Ash expressed his appreciation.

"Professor, are you sure an unevolved starter will be enough?" Lillie asked.

"Uh, good point." Kukui said.

"Nah, it's fine." Ash exclaims "I'm sure I can work with it."

"Alright, lets go!" Kiawe said, rushing towards Kukuis lab.

The lab, as Kukui called it, was really a small house. His lab was downstairs, where a small puppy Pokémon was laying down.

"Alola, Rockruff!" Kukui called out to the puppy. Rockruff perked up at Kukuis call, and ran over to get some scratches from everyone, even Lillie...eventually.

Rockruff seemed wary at first around Ash, Dawn, and Brock. A few ushers from Pikachu and Piplup quickly fixed that, soon Rockruff got even more scratches, which he enjoyed. He seemed to take a shine on Ash, especially.

"First things first. Here you three." Kukui said, as he handed Ash, Dawn, and Brock  a PokéDex. It was large, and very awkward to carry. Kukui had a chuckle as he watched Ash drop the Dex, harmlessly thumping the floor.

"That's a very... bulky PokéDex, Professor. Isn't it hard to carry?" Dawn asked.

"Not at all!" Kukui exclaimed. "In fact, you don't have to hold it at all. Watch" Kukui said as he plucked the Dex into what could only be a charging station. 

"Oh, Rotom!" Kukui yelled out, and a Rotom popped out of a nearby socket. "Alola, Rotom! I think its time, buddy." Kukui said, and Rotom quickly enter the charging station. Soon, the Pokedex had a face. Then it floated out of the charging station. Two arms that had no ability to grab anything popped out of the side. and the Dex introduced itself.

"zzt-zzt. Hello there. I am Rotom-Dex! Its a pleasure to meet you all." The Dex must've allowed the Rotom inside to use human speech. Everyone was shocked by Kukui's new Dex.

"Wow, That's amazing, Professor!" Mallow exclaimed.

"Rotom, I'd like you to join Ash during his time here in Alola."

"OK, Professor!" The Rotom-Dex then floated over to float above Ash's head.

"Now, lets get you a starter, then!" Kukui said, excitingly. he pulled three PokéBalls out of a small room, and tossed all three out. An owl, cat, and sea-lion were soon sitting in front of Ash on a small desk.

"Here you go, Ash. A grass type, Rowlet. A fire type, Litten. Or a water type, Popplio. Take your pick." Kukui exclaimed.

"Wow, you three are looking pretty good. I'm not sure who to take. I think ill take-." Ash was interrupted by Litten hopping up on his head, and plopping down for a nap. 

"I guess Ill take Litten, then!" Ash said, laughing. The other two starters looked happy for their friend, and Litten lowered itself onto Ash's shoulder, and Pikachu hopped up to sit on Ash's other shoulder.

"Well, you three are free to stay here as long as you need!" Kukui told Ash, Dawn, and Brock. They didn't turn it down, but they said they left there stuff at a room in the Pokémon Center, so they'd stay there tonight. 

Kukui said goodbye to all his students, as everyone split off to go home.

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