Chapter 3

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I wake up wrapped in warmth which is somewhat unknown to me. I open my eyes and see my new dad's. I think back as to what could have lead to this situation and the events of yesterday come crashing into my mind. I see their arms wrapped around and their fingers intertwined above the blankets. I smile. When was the last time a parental figure showed me love and affection. Scratch that, when has my own parents shown me love or give me a hug or even a smile in my direction.

What did I do wrong? Was it all my fault like they said? Is this what I deserved for being who I was? For getting my quirk late? Look at what it took for me to get it. It took me jumping to my demise to get my quirk. Is this wh- I am broken out of my thoughts by a rough hand against my cheek. "Why are you crying problem child? It was never your fault. None of what happened is what you deserved. So never think that again okay." dad says while wiping tears that I never knew were there. "He's right listener." papa says while hugging me tighter.

After the morning routines and a few uncomfortable arguments as to who should go in first we managed to get done and sit at the table for breakfast. Papa made French toast with banana slices and honey on top. A bit weird but delicious combo. While we sit and eat I realise that dad and papa are both here and not at work. I mean I know they work at UA. "Hey, question?" I ask while trying to swallow and avoid getting choked.

"What's up listener?" papa questions while dad just looks up from his plate. "Uhm, why aren't you guys at school and are here with me instead?" I ask looking down in guilt that I am keeping them from educating students and keeping them from doing their jobs. "Well we took a few days off of work so that we could be here with you and get you settled." papa says while dad just nods. "Well you may have taken a few days but I have taken off till the entrance exams so that I can train you to use your quirk to the best. So get your ass ready problem child we are heading out in 10." papa just blanched and dad and I got psyched. I mean I'm finally training again.

We left the house just as dad said and made our way to Dagobah Beach or as I like to call it the trash beach. I mean the beach is literally covered in trash as far as the eye could see on the sand. "You will have this cleaned by the entrance exams. No quirk. Just pure strength. Start of small and work your way up to the bigger heavier objects. You will do this 3 times a week. On the other three days we will do quirk training and you will the Sunday to rest. Sound like a plan?" I just nod my head at dad's plan and I make my way to a trash heap and spot a fridge, tire and a chest of drawers at the bottom of the short pile. "LIFT THE FRIDGE."   Ilisten to Andromeda and lift the fridge.

To my surprise I managed to lift it pretty easily I carry it to where dad stands and he looks at me with his mouth open. I realise what he told me about starting small and then working my way up. I mentally face palm and throw the fridge back to where it was. He makes a strange strangled sound. "I am sorry. I forgot you told me to start small and I went for the biggest object in the pile. I promise I'll do better." I apologize while bowing. He places his hand on my shoulder and makes me look at him. "Problem child, just how strong are you? That was a fucking double door fridge with an attached freezer how the hell did you lift that?!" I say that Andromeda told me to lift it.

He says okay and tells me to get back to work. I make quick work of the pile I was working on and remove the pile pretty easily. As the day goes on I am getting pretty tired but I want to be strong enough to protect everyone I love. With that I picture who exactly I'm protecting. My friends and family and the people of this city. After a few more hours we see the sun starting to set and dad says it's time to head back home. We begin walking back and thats when I realise it. I hadn't used my wings the entire day.

I can't feel them anymore. "Dad where are my wings?!" CALM DOWN CHILD. YOU ARE ABLE TO RETRACT THEM THE SAME WAY ACTUAL ANGELS AND DEMONS CAN. SO DON'T FRET OVER IT. Oh God I thought I lost them. I try to subconsciously open my wings and there they are. The feeling of them coming out of my back aren't fun and is a little bit painful. I hide them again since it's easier to move around without something on your back that has the span of like 6 feet.

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