Chapter- 3

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Ada placed the basket full of soiled clothes near the stream, at a short distance away from the Monroe Mansion. Five more maids accompanied her as they were assigned to wash the clothes by the Head Maid, Mrs Smith.

The other maids— all young human females— were quick to huddle together. They sat down on the other end of the stream, across from Ada to make sure they were the farthest they could be from the young girl.

She sighed and picked out a cloth to wash; immersing it in the water while making sure that her eye does not stray far from the cloth and fall on her reflection.

This was one of the chores she detested the most. In a way, indeed, an ideal punishment.

There were no mirrors in her room. She was always able to avoid looking at the ones that were placed around the mansion. But as she washed the clothes, she would repeatedly find herself staring at her face. The remnant of the once untainted one, staring back at her with a hollow eye.

Exactly like now.

Ada sucked in a sharp breath, hastily averting her tear-brimmed eyes away and continued washing the clothes, as quickly as possible; her jaw clenched.

Don't think about it. She prompted herself.

Don't think about it.

Don't cry.

It's not worth it.

Don't cry.

It's not worth it.

Be strong.

No tears.

Be strong.

No tears.


Ada yelped and fell into the cold water stream as a hand shook her shoulder.

"Oh my God, Ada!" One of the maids who had accompanied her, Amy, clutched her arm and helped her come out of the water as she gasped for air, her blonde strands sticking on her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

Ada was quiet for a few seconds, her sensitive ears detecting the sound of the other four maids chuckling among themselves.

Her jaws clenched. Times like these made her want to cling to Sarah and Misa all the more. They were one of the few who were nice.

"Yes," She answered after taking a deep breath.

It's okay.

It's okay.

You are okay.

She hastily turned around and sat down to wash the clothes again; her soggy clothes making her feel heavier. This was another headache. Her dress was wet. It will not take less than a day to dry, and this was the only one she had.

Her eye patch was wet too. Jerking her hand to get rid of some water, she raised her hands and went to untie the knot behind her head which held the eye patch in place. Then stopped.

Will that make everyone uncomfortable?

Rarely could she endure the sight of our burnt eye, unshielded by the eyelid.

How could anyone else not find it revolting?

She let her hands hesitatingly fall down to her sides before she started rubbed the clothes aggressively to get rid of the dirt.

I will wait till I am done.

"I— uh..." Amy started from behind her.

Ada twisted her head to look at the young maid.

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