Hellish Training

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" Ah!" Izumi yawned herself awake, both her and the other girls slowly started to stir awake. She looks over to the clock on the wall and it read 6:05 am. When all of class 1-a finally woke up they made their way to the dinning room to get some breakfast.

 While they were eating they couldn't help but notice that someone is missing. "hey guys do you see Izuku anywhere?" uraraka asks as the other shakes their heads.

"Maybe he is still asleep." Shota says, but the guys shook their heads. "we didn't see him in the room when we woke up." Kirishima says. "Well it doesn't matter its his fault for being a dumbass and missing breakfast." Katsuki says, but receives a smack on the head by Katsumi "At least pretend that you care about him." Katsuki just scoffs. "fuck no." Katsumi just hits her brother "fuck you." 

Before they could continue to fight anymore Aizawa enters the room. "Everyone outside now you will begin your training soon." He then leaves just as quickly as he entered. They all rush to finish their food and then they head outside. 

Once outside they all gathered around Aizawa. "Good now that you're all out here you may notice that Class 1-b isn't they'll be here later. For now I'm going to tell you what you will be doing until lunch." 

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha" Before he could continue they heard heavy breathing coming from behind them and they all turned around to see Izuku on his hands and knees dry heaving on the ground. "Oh good you just finished all your warmups, go and start the rest of your training." Aizawa says. "ha But first ha I'm gonna get ha some breakfast." He says as he slowly rises but Aizawa is quick to stop him

"I forgot to mention this yesterday, but if you don't complete your training on time then it will push all the rest of your training back, so instead of you getting breakfast you were finishing your work outs. So you better hurry because if you don't finish on time you won't get lunch or dinner." He says with a devilish smile.

"you sir are the devil." He says as he gets up to start the rest of his training. Aizawa turns to the rest of the class with the same smile "now its your turns." He says as he reads off what they will be doing (Its the same as cannon).

At 11:20

Class1-b has finally arrived and they could hear the screaming and explosion from a few miles away. "Holy hell!" Tetsutesu says as he watches chaos unfold before them. "Out of the way!" Screams izuku as he comes barreling past them with Iida. 

They looked over to their sides and the see izumi trying to fight Tiger, key word:trying. She tried to jab him with a 20%x 4 but he easily dodged out of the way and smacked against the tree. Izumi's bones were rattling not just from the impact but also the amount of power that she used.

"you all will be joining them." Vlad King said as he watched the expression of his class turned to worry. "But wait aren't we trying to beat them?" Monama asks.

 "Its fine to be rivals with them, but you must also remember that you are heroes and you may be working together with each other some time in the future." Vlad says. "I agree, now its time you all to get to work." Aizawa says.

At the end of the day

Everyone but Izuku was finished with their training and so they head to the dinning hall to get some food when Mandalay appeared "Where you all going?" "To get some food." Both classes said. "Well then you'll have to make it yourself because we provided you food the first day, but now its time for you to do it yourself." She says as she reveals the ingredients.

Both Classes became depressed immediately and started complaining, but Iida being the guy that he is saw it a different way. "Everyone we must view it like training because sometimes when you rescue a civilian you must be able to prepare a meal for them to keep them healthy until others arrive." 

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