Hero Names & Internships begin

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Two days after the sports festival izuku is on a train to school as it is raining outside. While he was waiting is on his phone seeing that the hero killer has struck again in hosu city. As he is scrolling thru the news someone whispers to him "your that kid that one the sports festival." this catches everyone's attention as they all turn to izuku and begin congratulating him.

a little kid looks up at izuku and asks him " can I be a hero too?". "of course you can" izuku replies immediately. "but you don't even know my quirk." the kid says. "that's the point you don't need a quirk to be a hero, but you will have to train to get stronger. so it doesn't matter if you have a quirk or not." He says as he pats the kid on the head with a warm smile as the kid looks up at him and nods his head happily. 

"good job kid you're proving that quirkless people are powerful too." a random man says as izuku tells them all thank you as he gets off at his stop. As he is walking to the entrance of UA he hears something so he turns around to see Iida running towards him in a raincoat.

"hurry up! or you're going to be late." Iida says as he was about to run past izuku but izuku stops him by putting his hand on his shoulder. 

"Are you alright Iida?" Izuku asks in concern for his friend.

"if this is about my brother I'm fine and he is too. He is going to be paralyzed from the waist down, so he won't be a hero again." Iida says to izuku but he could tell that he wasn't alright, but before he could say anything Iida ran inside.

time skip to class

Everyone is sitting in the seats as they wait for their tired teacher to show up for the class but what they didn't expect is to find him already behind his desk sleep until the bell rung.

"alright class today you will be choosing a hero name but since I'm not good at this kinda stuff someone else will be helping you all." Right, when he finishes his sentence the door opens to reveal  Midnight.

"but be careful the name you choose can be permanent so choose wisely," she says as she hands out wipe boards and markers to everyone in the class and Aizawa crawls into his sleeping bag and begins to sleep behind his desk.

"now right down the hero name you choose." after about 15 minutes she says "is anyone ready to come up and present their name." Everyone begins to panic slightly in their minds about who is the first to go up. Izuku is the first to get up and make his way to the podium in front of the class.

"my hero name will be The three swords style hero: Zoro" He announces as midnight nods her head in approval.

"that's a good name, but might I ask what is with the Zoro part of your hero name?" She asks wondering what Zoro is supposed to mean.

"oh that, it just felt right so I choose it as my name," Izuku says as he rubs the back of his neck as he goes back to his seat to sit down. Because izuku went first everyone else began to relax and not feeling the pressure. Next up was Aoyama.

"my fabulous name shall be; the shinning hero: I cannot stop twinkling," he exclaims as everyone was taken back by the literal sentence of a hero name. 

"how about you change it to shining star?" izuku says as he gives Aoyama a new idea for his hero name. "aw yes it fabulous thank you," he says to izuku as he changes his name. After those two presented more people began to go up to present.

"oh me next, my hero name is alien queen." said mina but midnight did not approve of it making mina return to her seat disappointed. As she went to sit down Tsu went up. "my hero name is the rainy season hero: froppy, kero." she says as everyone loves the name.

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