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some of the things in this story are similar to Mind vs Might made by @Hexcss and Black-Leg Deku made by @Wolfhunter_1225 so if you like this story then go check out their stories because they are worth checking out.

"talk"- speaking

'talk'- thoughts 

'onigiri'- Attack name

"I am here"- all might buff form

"I am here" - smol might

Izuku is a 4-year-old child who is waiting with his mother and his twin sister Izumi to see what their quirks are going to be. If you don't know quirks are superpowers people are born with and those who aren't are called quirkless. All Izuku and Izumi want to do are become pro heros to help people with a smile like their hero All Might who they didn't know was their father.

"Hello, Mrs. Yagi I have some good news and some bad news which one would you like to hear first?" the doctor asks Inko.

"um, the bad news first please." She responds nervous about what it could be.

"well, it seems that your son Izuku won't develop a quirk." He says getting straight to the point. Izuku drops his All Might action figure in shock, while Inko picks it up with her physic powers.

"Are you sure there isn't a mistake, doctor?" Inko questions.

"well as you see here," he points to an x-ray of Izuku's foot and points to the pinky toe. "the boy has a double joint in his toe which is only found in quirkless people, so it is unlikely that the boy would develop a quirk. Now on to the good news your daughter should be getting a powerful quirk it says that is should be a type of physical enhancement ." 

As soon as Inko hears that she cheers for her baby girl while Izuku is left alone with his thoughts 'can I still be a hero even without a quirk? Yes, I just have to train and try harder than anyone else to achieve my dream of being the number 1 hero like All Might.' he pumps his fist with determination.

small time skip to their house ~

Toshinori is waiting for his lovely wife and two kids to get back from the doctor's appointment. As soon as he saw the front door open he rushed over to see how it went.

"well, how did the appointment go?" Toshinori askes Inko.

"Izuku is quirkless, but Izumi has a strong form on physical enhancement powers like yours." Toshinori rushes over to Izumi and lifts her up while cheering for her saying they would start training her soon. 

This left Izuku all by himself. Like he has forgotten by his own family in his own home, so Izuku decides to head to bed and hope that tomorrow would be a better day.

the next day at the day care~

"hey, brother do you still want to become a hero?" Izumi asks as she towers over izuku with katsuki bakugo, Katsumi (katsuki sister), shoto todoroki (endeavor's son), shota (shoto's sister) 

"yes more than anything I want to be able to protect people with a smile," he says giving a bright, warm smile.

"well then you should give up you're a quirkless loser that I'm ashamed to call my brother." she punches izuku in the face while increasing the damage by using her quirk. The others start to beat Izuku down and leave in a beaten pulp. while calling him names like Deku, useless, quirkless loser, a waste of human space.

Izuku gets up after they left and finds himself wandering in a part of the city he has never been to before. He comes across this dojo that says Isshin dojo on the sign. He heads straight in and looks around to see a lot of people fight each other with wooden swords and practicing their swordsmanship.

"why hello there young man who might you be?" the headmaster of dojo asks Izuku.

"I-Izuku Y-Yagi s-sir" Izuku says stammering.

"what brings you here, izuku?" the man asks the boy.

"well, I got lost and just stumbled upon this place and decided to head inside," Izuku says truthfully.

'i sense this greatness coming from this boy something I have never felt before'.  the old man thinks for a second before asking Izuku.

"young man how would you like to learn how to sword fight this dojo?" izuku's face beamed up with excitement as he ponders this for a moment.

'if I accept this offer then I am one step closer to achieving my dream of becoming the number one hero.' Izuku looks at the man with a face of raw determination and says 

"yes!" the man nods his head and the 10 years of hellish training for izuku began as he developed his own fighting style the three-sword style. so every morning izuku would wake up go to school with Izumi and get beaten up. After school, he would head to the dojo to train and increase his muscle mass. Then at the end of the day, he would return home when his parents were asleep and start the day over again.

That was his schedule for 10 years until one fateful event happen. Izumi has been training with All Might as he told her his secret about being All Might and that Inko was Green Tornado, but they left Izuku in the dark.

I hope you all enjoy this story.

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