Chapter 1

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so let me first explain Izumi's quirk.

quirk' name: strength multiplier. 

description: the quirk enhances raw strength by multipliers.. it can enhance a person's strength by multiplying by 2 or to the limit which is 10. (so basically Super Saiyan if you don't like it then too bad.)

Weakness: it drains her stamina very quickly depending on the multiplier. can also strain the muscles.

10 years later (izuku is 14 and has been training the entire time)

izuku's POV

Today is my last day as a third year of junior high. I've been working hard all my life to become a hero that I even have an eight pack it's just that I wear big clothes that no can tell. The teacher is handing out high school applications.

Teacher: "I could hand out all these career sheets, but I know that you all want to go the hero route!" he shouts as he throws all the papers in the air as everyone, but six people use their quirk.

Kacchan: "hey teach don't lump me and my group in with these bunch of rejects." 

The class starts to boo him as he just laughs them off.  "oh the big 5 aren't you all going to UA." The teacher's statement leaves the rest of the class shocked as only about 2% of people actually get into UA and that's the school that I applied for.

"oh yeah, yagi aren't you also going to UA." the teacher said to me as everyone but the big 5 broke out into laughter. 

BOOM. Kacchan and Katsumi exploded my desk and it startled me a bit as I fell to the floor. Normally I wouldn't be afraid it's just I didn't have my swords on me at the moment so I was defenseless.

"Deku are you trying to get yourself killed, you would just die in the entrance exam. You can't hang with the best of us, cause you are just a weak, quirkless Deku." Izumi says to me as the others stand imposing around her.

"hey knock it off. no fighting in class." the teacher said to Izumi.

Time skip to the end of the day.

As the bell rings, I begin to pack up my things, but Kacchan takes away my hero journal that holds all my notes in it.

"hey, can you give it back?" I ask politely and in fear.

"oh sure," Kacchan says to my surprise I reach for it until BOOM he exploded it in his hands and threw it out the window.

Me: "that's so mean." 

Izumi: "Listen Deku there are people that are born for greatness and those who aren't, so if you really want to be a hero so bad then there is a way for you to do it," I lift up my head in hopes she says something kind, but Nope. "Take a swan dive off the roof and pray that you get a quirk in your next life." she and rest leave and left me there.

I go and get my notebook and find it in a fish pond. I grab and begin to walk home, but today I decided to take a different route so I avoid the others.

Thanks to my training I hear something in the shadows so I ready myself, but without my swords, I'm screwed I can feel it. Suddenly a huge slime monster attacked me and started to suffocate me by getting in my body.

All I could hear was the sound of the pothole cover being blasted up into the air and the iconic lines "FEAR NOT CITIZEN WHY BECAUSE I AM HERE TEXAS SMASH" I only had on thought on my mind and that was 'is that all might?'

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