Preparing for Finals exams

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Everyone is back at UA after their week long internship with various pro heroes and as Izuku walks through the door he sees everyone talking about their experiences with their heroes. "All I did was help find where the villains were located and get the civilians out of harms way I didn't do much fighting." Jiro says as she talks with Tsu and Mina. "Well I did stop a drug smuggling cartel that was pretty exciting kero." Tsu says as both Jiro and Mina look at her in shock. "Aw man you got so lucky I didn't do anything for my internship." Mina says as she continue talking about other things. 

"um Uraraka, did something happen when you were at your internship?" Sero asks as there is this menacing aura surrounding Uraraka as she was practicing the moves she learned from gunhead. "oh nothing interesting happened." She calmly replies. "Silly Sero Uraraka didn't change, she has always been like that, girls just wear masks to disguise who they really are." Mineta says all frightened. "oh crap man what happened at your internship with Mt.lady?"

As soon as Uraraka saw Izuku walk through the door she snaped out of her trance and went over to him. "Izuku are you ok? I saw the video and I know we talked on the phone, but I just want to make sure."

"yeah I'm ok." Izuku replies calmly as he sits down at his desk as the entire class gathers around him. "dude you were so manly." "your strength is a sight to behold." "how are you only 16?" Mineta asks that last one. "Actually I'm 15." "What?!" The entire class shouts except for those that know Izuku. "Izuku did you see that video about stain?" Kaminari asks as he pulls out his phone. "No i haven't seen it." "ok then let me show you." He says as he pulls out his phone and plays a video talking about stains past and his ideology and how he became who is now. 

Before Izuku could respond to it the classroom door opened and Aizawa walks into the room and everyone goes dead silent. "good. Now before we start class, Izuku do you have to assignment that I asked for?" He asks as Izuku nods. "good now bring it here." Izuku pulls out a 100 pages and brings them up to Aizawa's desk and puts them down with a thud. "Problem child I only asked for 20 pages." "I know but how could I fit the entire history of heroes into 20 pages." Izuku says as he sits back down and Aizawa just lets out a tired sigh.

After a few hours it is now time for hero training class and everyone is at ground gamma. All Might and Green Tornado are teaching class as everyone is gathered in their hero costumes. "Ok class today we will be doing a rescue training. We will spilt you into groups and we will send out a distress signal and you all have race to be the first one to get there." Green Tornado says as she explains the rules. The first group consist Izuku, Izumi, Iida, Sero, Mina, Ojiro. As they are getting ready the rest are betting on who is going to be the winner.

"I think its going to be Mina because she has a great body and-" Mineta says as he gets hit in the head by Toru for being a perv. "I think sero he has an advantage, his quirk was practically built for this." Kirishima says as some other boys agree with him. "Izuku is way stronger but I don't know how he would do at moving across this terrian, so i would have to say he is at a disadvantage. I will go with Iida." Momo says as she makes her bet.  "I'm gonna bet that Izumi wins." Katsuki says as Shoto nods in agreement. "I think that Izuku will win." Shota says. 

"READY! GO!" All might shouts over the speakers and the 6 students begin to race. In the beginning Sero was in the lead using his tape to spiderman his way to the distress signal, but Izumi quickly passes him using full cowling, as she flips around the beams. After 3 minutes she finally arrives before the other 4.

"Yeah I won!" She shouts in excitement. "sorry to burst your bubble, but you're second." Izuku says as he gets up from the ground after taking a short nap. "What!? How did you beat me?" She questions. "simple, I was just faster than you." He says as the others begin to arrive. The others that were watching were just as shocked to see Izuku as Izumi was. "here lets play the video footage." Inko says as she pulls out a remote and it replays to the beginning of the race. 

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