We Will Be Reunited II

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From afar, I could see abyss mages and Hillichurls tampering with a ruin guard. This got me curious, which then git me excited seeing as it was odd behaviour to see from them.

I jump up and down and point over into the distance. "I see the Abyss Order in the distance!"

Nobody was as hyper about it as me, and Dainslief seemed more reluctant than anything. "Well then, go on and attack them if you really must." He told me.

Unsure of the the reason why, but that comment Dain made really irked me. Was it the way he said it? No I don't think so...

But then again, there is one thing I'm starting to notice, and its definitely not the fact that I bet Dainslief is from Khaenri'ah. This feels something more like a grudge. Does he recognise me from somewhere?

Actually, have I met him before without Aether?

Despite my discomfort towards him, I countered it by blowing a raspberry at him. "You don't have to tell me twice!" Then I ran off to deal with the Abyss myself. They were surprised by my appearance but started to fight me anyways.

My body was practically on auto pilot as I was still in thought. A normal person would say they was probably imaging it, but we all know that in the books you read, when you say that it's Definately not true!

So where have I seen that man!?!

He knows something that I don't know, and I want to know!!

Eventually, Aether and the other's caught up, the and remaining Abyss mage were taken down without a hassle.

While fighting them, we did notice something strange. For example, before we even got there, they seemed to be searching the ruin guard for something.

Now the Abyss Order aren't a bunch of adventures, so we crossed out the idea of them looking for such ordinary stuff from them.

Dainslief explained to us that they were most likely searching for something valuable within the ruin guards, good thing they haven't found it!

"Well then, why didn't you grab one just know and ask them what they were up to?" Paimon asks, tilting her head.

I definitely agree with doing that! It's efficient, safe (for me) and doesn't cause any problems (for me).

That abyss mage on the other hand.... They should've just told me from the beginning.

"Master Diluc and Akemi seem to do that a lot." Mentioned Aether.

I raise a thumbs up. "And it works like a charm everytime!"

Sometimes I wonder if he and Paimon were still infected by the torture session they saw that day. I mean, it wasn't THAT bad.

Meanwhile, Dainslief looked at me disapprovingly. "One cannot discover the truth behind it through interrogation. Or rather, these Abyss mages likely fear something else much or than they do painful interrogation."

Fear something more than torture? Wow, that's impressive, to fear something so badly you'd rather go through getting burnt alive? Now that's a secret I'd want to know about.
"Maybe I should try shaving off their fur instead then.." I mumbled to myself.

"We shouldn't waste too much time here, let's continue the search."


Our trail leads into some ruins where more Abyss mages and Hillichurls were surrounding the mechanical object. We quickly make work of them and turned our attention to the dead ruin hunter.

"The ruin hunter is dea- "

So um, it was indeed alive and threw me up into the tree behind it when it activated.

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