Her Severe Solitude [Flashback]

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Maybe I should've known this would happen.

After all those warnings, I should've maybe at least listened to one of them. 

I knew things wouldn't go my way if I continued the way I was going, I knew that my choices would have negative impacts, and I knew that choosing to ignore my past would only make thing worse for me.

But why did it have to be like that?

It was so unfair; I don't want to remember anything.

Why should I?

And then that day where that stupid guy Dainsleif came around. He just made everything worse.

I wonder what his deal was, it's not healthy to keep grudges on people who haven't even realized your existence until now. 

He shouldn't be petty; he shouldn't make me sad just because he failed to have a happy life.

But he just had to confront me like that.

I say that's where things went downhill.


"You've remembered something about your past, haven't you?" He asked me.

It was after I left Aether at the Mondstadt Cathedral. When he asked me this, air around us chilled considerably at the statement he just dropped. It was a paralyzing but cool feeling that had left me silent, speechless, unable to respond or say anything in defense.

Because he was right of course, I did remember something.

In fact, the memory had first come to me 2 years ago, I just simply chose not to acknowledge it.

Why should I? It wouldn't help me find Karazumei.

Even though I didn't answer, my lack of speech was all that Dain needed to confirm his theory. 

"So there we have it," he said. "You do remember. Probably more than one thing too. Now the next question: what is it exactly that you remembered?"

A million thoughts ran through my mind when he asks that question. I didn't want anyone knowing this. It was so annoying to me how such an inconvenience in my life is the one who knows so much. Why did he know this? How does he know everything?

He was such a weirdo... and a creep...

And then he just had to make it worse by describing it in great detail...

"If I were to guess, you were locked down in a cage underground."

I avoid looking at him, not wanting him to see the pained expression on my face.

"Screaming, crying and pleading was useless down there, but you were probably still trying, hoping someone like your father would come to save you."

My hands started to shake. Whether it was in fear, anger or something else, I wasn't sure. Maybe it was all of them.

"Other people around you probably looked at you with pity or distaste,"

He's right, I still don't know why they were staring like that. In my opinion, they were cowards too scared to do anything. I was trying to escape; I didn't care about the risk that came with failure.

Every failed attempt on made me want to find that singular bit of freedom. Even if the world was engulfed in war at the time...

Wait.... War? What am I talking about...?

A Light To Call Home ☆Genshin Impact☆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz