The Dandelion Knight

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3rd POV

"Oh Jeeeaaaaaan!" 

Akemi, Aether and Paimon were on their way to visit Jean for a nice chat, however, after all the requests civilians were asking for, they unfortunately had to deliver all the quests for her. They were reluctant to do so, seeing as some of them seemed as if they didn't need Jean's help, but I was too late now.

When they entered the room of the Acting Grand Master, she was staring out of the window and into the distance. Akemi was already able to notice that Jean wasn't doing very well, she heard the coughing fit she had just seconds before they entered.

"Acting Grand Master? ...Master Jean?"

Jean was completely out of it. It was clear that she definitely needed to rest.

Aether waves an arm in front of her in hopes to gain her attention. "Hey Jean? Jeany Jean-Jean?" He calls out.

Thats when Jean came back to reality, Jolting up in surprise. She looked at the three slightly panicked for a moment and then released before they could catch on.

"Oh! Our Honarary Knight, and Akemi. Sorry, I must have been daydreaming." She said in her usual tone, making it sound like nothing was wrong with her. "How can I assist?"

"It's not us who need your help, it's a bunch of other people..." Explains Paimon

After telling Jean the situation, she sat down and began writing down all the requests given to and smiled at the trio "I see, Thank you for your service to the people of Mondstadt." Jean went into another slight coughing fit before she composed herself.

Akemi stared at her in concern. "You know Jean, I wouldn't mind doing all of these for you!" The girl insisted. Now it was clear to her that the Acting Grand Master was sick, so she didn't want Jean to do all these useless commissions by herself.

Jean responded by shaking her head, "I'll be fine." She spoke.

However, Jean's body had other plans for her, as she slowly started to black out. Akemi nudges Paimon and Aether who were going through the list of commission and pointed to Jean, motioning to the fact that she's clearly unwell, and looked like she would faint any second now.

And that's exactly what she did.


"Come on Aether, didn't she look sick to you!?" Scolded Akemi as they returned to the Knights of Favonius headquarters.

Unsure of how to respond, he hesitated with his answer. "She... looked like an overworked person?"

Akemi flicked Aether's forehead in annoyance. "Bro was on life support man!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't notice!" The poor blond claimed.

Paimon cut into the conversation in attempt to defend Aether. "Not to be rude, but it's hard to tell if Jean is always like this, Y'know?"

Akemi rolled her eyes, sighing in disappointment. "Fine, you have a point." The girl came to a pause when they arrived at the Knights of Favonius, raising an eyebrow in question. "What's Kaeya doing camping the doors?"

The other looked to see what Akemi meant, Keaya was standing in front of the knights of Favonius, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

"I've been waiting for you." Says Kaeya, smirking as he walked down the stairs. The pyro user held back the urge to cringe at the dramatic-ness in his tone of voice. "I've been informed of Jean falling ill. On behalf of all the Knights of Favonius, allow me to express my sincere gratitude for your assistance."

Paimon looks at Kaeya wearily. "So courteous and polite. This isn't the Kaeya Paimon knows."

Akemi nodded in agreement, skeptical of the man. "What do you want? Don't sugar coat it!"

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