Mission set: Find Cocogoat!

489 19 13

3rd POV

"All finished then? Splendid . Any leftover cash is yours to keep— a favour for the Fatui should never go unrewarded."

"What a crappy reward.." Akemi muttered.

Paimon's eyebrows furrowed in distaste as she crossed her arms. "You think you can buy us off with some loose change? No way! Paimon demands to know when the next payment is coming!"

Lumine hid the urge to facepalm as Akemi agreed with Paimon rapidly.

Currently, Lumine, Akemi and Paimon were updating Childe on the current progress of the funeral. All was going well
Childe laugh and fold arms. "Haha. Well, how does this sound: You guys me the information I need, and maybe I'll leave the Northland Bank's vaults open and unattended for half an hour..."

"WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?" Akemi shouted.

Paimon moved up closer to Childe. "YEA! WHAT INFO DO YOU NEED!?"


Paimon and Akemi tensed up, turning to Lumine in confusion. "Huh? Lumine, does that mean you know what he's after?"

In response Lumine sighed, lifting a finger to make a point. "Are you forgetting what happened in Mondstadt?"

"Yikes! your right, Signora..."

Akemi tensed up at the mention of the name, now understanding the problem Lumine was having with all of this. "I was planning to give him some false information, but if you insist then fine..."

After realising that he wouldn't get any information from them, Childe silently scowled, but then proceeded to put on a happy face. "You three need to calm down... I don't know what's gotten into you, Lumine."

He walked closer to Lumine, staring at her with a concerned look on his face. "Just what is this about? The atmosphere got tense all of a sud- OW!"

The fatui backed up in suprise, stumbling due to the amount of pressure that was placed on his feet.
Knowing who the culprit was, everyone almost instantly turned to Akemi who merely shrugged at them all, moving closer to Lumine.

"He was too close to Lumine for my liking." She explained.

Lumine smiled at her, letting at a small laugh in amusement at the girls' action.

Not long after, Zhongli had arrived only to be greeted with an awkward atmosphere. "Next, we need some Everlasting Incense. For this, we need to go to the Bubu Pharmacy, the finest place in all of-"

Zhongli raised an eyebrow at the tension  in the area. "Is everyone ok?"

Nobody wanted to respond to the question for some reason, so Akemi pointed at Childe.

"He farted."

Childe slapped Akemi across the head. "No I didn't!"
He then proceeded to wave his hands dismissively. "Everything is fine. I was just telling them that they need not to return the mora. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get going."


"Hello? Is anybody here?" Asked Paimon.

The group now wondered into the Bubu Pharmacy. There goal this time was to collect Everlasting Incense.

The inside was empty but cosy, many boxes of medicine placed on the ground against the wall. There were documents and vases placed on the counter along with lovely decor, and the smell throughout the room was a pleasant one.

"Welcome to Bubu Pharmacy." A soft voice greeted them from what seems to have come from behind the counter.

This definitely scared Paimon. "D– did you hear that? Wh– where did it come from?"

A Light To Call Home ☆Genshin Impact☆Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ