Who, Not Who, I?

170 11 12

3rd POV

A decision had been made, and Akemi made her choice.

Only now, even though she didn't want to admit it, she very much dislikes the outcome.

Akemi stares at the bonfire, snapping her fingers and waiting for a moment, expecting a flame to be birthed.  Yet, soon there was a buildup in fear, her face is blank, and her body is shaking as her anxiety grows with each passing moment.

'Did I lose everything?'

Akemi thought to herself, her panic growing as time went by, and she had yet to see a fire spark to life. She begins to snap her fingers repeatedly in worry.

'Is this it?'


'Are all of my abilities gone now...?'


'Was the magic I learned from my father truly now unusable? Why?? Only my vision was taken, I should still be able to...'

snap, snap, snap.

The possibilities of losing everything she had, everything she loved, filled Akemi with dread and fear.

Akemi tried to calm her nerves, to quell the panic rising within her.

'I have to try... One more time, something has to happen!'

She reached out her hands in front of her, eyes fixed on the bonfire.

She snapped her fingers one more time, her hands shaking in desperation, willing, begging for any sign that her magic was still there.

'It had to be there. It had to!
Please... Please... Please...'

Suddenly, a spark lit withing the bonfire. Then, it bursts into an abundance of flames, leaving the pile of wood to be unseen, and the aroma of charcoal potent.

Only... as the fire burst to life, it raged with an intensity that seemed abnormal. The flames were so bright and large, that was all fine, but it was as if the fire was being fueled and consumed by Akemi's emotions.

It raged as if it was alive, jumping and dancing with each small gust of wind, as if it was a powerful force of nature that must be restrained. It didn't look right to Akemi whatsoever.

But she didn't care. What mattered to her was that it was her flame, created by her, shining bright, lighting up the surroundings.

"Hey! That's our camp that your about to set ablaze!" The Shogunate Samurai's sudden cries of warning cause Akemi to tense up, her senses focused on listening for the sound of his rapid footsteps approaching her.
She should've expected this, but she couldn't help it. She desperately needed to test the strength of her abilities, to see if it weakened or in the worst-case scenario, completely gone.

Aether, however, had heard his voice as well, and intervened to deal with the Shogunate Samurai before he could interfere with Akemi's business, using his anemo abilities to send him flying into the ocean.

"S-sorry... I'll get rid of it..." Akemi whispered in a meek tone, placing her hand back into the burning fire in attempts to tame the blaze.

Unfortunately, things did not go according to plan, and the fire continued to rage and burn uncontrollably, despite Akemi's desperate efforts.

The pyro user quickly turns to Aether for help. "Umm... Aether... Th-the fire isn't going out!" She explained, the fire vastly increasing in size. Akemi backs up, worried about it suddenly exploding.

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