Adepti scouting

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3rd POV

The sound of a gunshot could be heard as one of the guards about to attack Aether fell to the ground.

"Akemi?" Said the blond.

The girl didn't even bother to respond as she quickly kicked the next guy who seemed to be the leader of this group. "I told you I'd get you guys later, didn't I?" She said to the man.

All the soldiers were shocked by the sudden bombardment of attacks. The girl in red only gave them a mean glare in return, giving shivers down their spines.

However, that was not enough to make them scared, she was just a girl with a very oddly shaped and big sized gun which could possibly be too big for her.

"Get them!" The man ordered.

Akemi, not fazed by this, turned to Aether. "Don't worry about this my dude! Just focus on telling the story, m'kay?"

Aether nods and begins explaining the whole scenario to the adepti, Moon Craver.

Meanwhile, Akemi disappeared into a bunch of flames to avoid being pierced in multiple directions. "Where did she go!?" Shouted a guard" They look around for a while confused and distraught.

Unfortunately for one man, she appeared behind him and gave a flaming kick towards his chin giving an instant knock out. She jumped up high and landed on a man's face, using him as a boost to give another poor soul a fist in the face.

"Tsk!" The girl sighs in annoyance as there were still around 10 more guards remaining that refused to leave the area, meaning she couldn't be as reckless as usual.

"Surrender now or your actions will affect you when on trial!" Shouted a soldier.

Remaining silent, she didn't respond verbally, but instead looked up to the soldiers with a threatening glare which resembled that of a dragon.

Using her head, she sets her upper body ablaze and headbutted a guard that approached her rapidly into a group of guards. They didn't get up.

Just after she dealt with that, Akemi swore that she heard something shout "PREPOSTEROUS" at some point. But still, without hesitation she then sends the rest of the guards flying when she aimed her gun upwards and pulled the trigger.

Instead of the normal flaming bullets, a flaming dragon shot out into the sky. It caught sight of the guards and instantly descended down to defeat the target.

Needless to say, they definitely lost.

"Hmph! Maybe that'll teach ya some respect!" Said the girl, stepping out of the crack made underneath her due to the recoil of her gunshot.

"Whoa!" Paimon clapped in delight for the Pyro user. She would have bowed in response to the clapping if it wasn't for the stare of an Adepti burning through her skull.

Walking past the duo, Akemi stood before Moon Craver. She looked at him a little nervous but refrained herself from making it obvious.

"Ah, so you have come back so soon.." Moon Craver observes the girl, taking in her features.

"Yea, you got a problem. I'm just helping my friends here on their journey, that's all." She said as her eyes glazed to the side.

"Hmm..." He looks over to Aether and Paimon, then to Akemi, then back to Aether again. "Traveller, of the unjust accusation placed upon you, one has become aware. The mind knows it's answer. Though one must consult with one's fellows, lest the mind be misguided"

The Adepti stares off in a random direction. "Go, take your sigil of permission, Carry with you a message."

"Who should I look for?" The boy questions.

A Light To Call Home ☆Genshin Impact☆Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ