A Man Of The Abyss

492 14 11


Sorry I took so long!


1st POV

One month and two weeks since I met Aether and Paimon! Though, if we count my first encounter with him when he fell from the sky, make it 2 months!

Ok, ok! So, after the whole Liyue thing, we went back to Mondstadt for a while. The news about our actions in Liyue spread quickly, we're now known as The Heroes of Liyue over there. How cool is that!?

And then we time skip, Aether got his new weapon and in Mondstadt he and Paimon met a lot of new people like Klee, Fischl, Noelle, Bennett, Albedo, Sucrose and Diona! Even I met someone! Her name is mona and she's and astrologist! You should have seen the look on our faces when she found out about Aether being otherworldly.

Currently, we were reporting back to Katheryn after doing our commissions, and she said something I never expected her to say!

Apparently, there was a blond, dressed oddly person in Mondstadt. But then, much to our dismay, we had to overrule the possibility when it was discovered that they didn't resemble Aether at all and was a man.

But he had an eyepatch, is he a relative of Kaeya?

Paimon disagreed with what I said, but Aether thought it was logical!

We were on a wild goose chase for info on this guy for the rest of the day, until we landed in the Angles Share.


"Guys- That guy looks sus! It's definitely him!" I looked over the banister of the 2nd floor, not even trying to hide my shameless glance as the mysterious guy had entered the Angels Share to retrieve a wine bottle that he had ordered prior.

Charles greeted that man the same way he would any other customer, and I watched as he went over to a table and sat down. Me, Aether and Piamon all had a look of agreement before we went down to the 1st floor and approached him.

I was the first one to run over and lean over on the table he was sat at. "Hi there! We're adventures from the Adventure guild!"


He ignored me...

I looked over to Aether who caught up and stared at him with a look that said, 'You're up next.'

And what this guy said made me wanna cringe out of how awkward it was..

"How do you do? I'm an Honorary Knight of Favonius..."

I held back the urge to sigh in embarrassment at the guy, and I thought my attempt was bad. Come on Aether! We're traveler's dude! I'd think by now you-


I clasped my hands together in realization of my own thoughts. "WE'RE TRAVELERS!" I shouted with a bright smile. I looked at the man in front of me once more. "Me, Aether and Paimon are travelers looking to travel through the 7 nations!" 

And just like that, the man gave us a brief side glance to us in acknowledgement, score! "A traveler, you say? Hmph, why are you traveling?"

"I'm looking my lost relative."

"Trying to find my dad."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he gave us his full attention, and turned to look at us fully. "That's as good a reason as any, sit down over here then."

Niceeee we're sitting with the cool kid!

We sat opposite of the man and Aether sat in between us- If you could say Paimon was sitting that is...

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