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Months pass and Y/N settles into her life at Slender mansion. She gets to know the brothers on a deeper level and learns to further control her abilities, no longer requiring sleep and waking up naked in order to change from her cat form to her human form, although the shifting did wear her down and required her to sleep for several hours. Slenderman hypothesized it was in part due to her new feline genetics but he would have to run tests to be sure, something he desired but wanted no part of in the case of potentially upsetting Y/N. Instead they worked together when it came to hunting and maintaining the borders of Slender's forest, even reducing the rodent population the mansion had seemed to contract some years ago.

Y/N is a productive and thriving member of Slender mansion, something Slender didn't expect but rather enjoyed. When she wasn't hunting, sleeping, or patrolling Y/N could often be found at Slender's side while he worked in his office. She would often bring him tea and snacks throughout the night and leave his side in the morning for her room. She slept with her curtains wide open so the sunlight would stream in and warm her body, finding she had an excellent angle of sunlight upon her bed. Some days Slender and his brothers would stay up into the early hours of the morning, enjoying a meal prepared by Y/N or Slender as they all enjoyed the 'late' hour together.

"Brother, Where is our wonderful feline companion?" Trender asks, a measuring tape hanging over his shoulders.

"She's currently out with Offenderman," Slender explains, looking up from his paperwork. "What do you require?"

"I was hoping to take more measurements now that she is at a healthy weight. She will be needing more clothes that actually fit," Trender explains. "I suppose I will have to await her return. What is she doing out with our younger brother?"

"Something about needing her help with a human he is currently pursuing. I didn't get the details but they should be back by morning," Slender explains, honestly feeling rather lonely with the young woman absent.


"Oh my goodness she's so adorable!" A woman cries as she pulls Y/N's feline form close to her face. "Who's a good kitty?"

"She is isn't she? I thought you'd like to meet the most important woman in my life at the moment," Offender purrs, his cheeks blushed slightly. "She seems to like you."

"Really?! Cats never like me so this is an amazing first! Smexy, thank you for introducing her to me!" The woman gasps, near crushing Y/N in an excited hug. "I can't believe you would go through so much trouble for me!"

'Let go already woman!' Y/N mewls, sighing in relief when Offender finally rescues her from the death grip.

"Thanks, I owe you big time," Offender purrs, setting Y/N down and returning to the woman he was currently pursuing.

Y/N leaves Offender and his next meal alone in their room and goes to explore the woman's home, searching for various things to sell and collect. Part of the way the brothers earned their money for their hobbies was stealing items off of victims, it mainly fueling Offender's trips to the clubs since he had no desire to work. She knew Trender was a world famous fashion designer and Slender was a genius when it came to predicting the markets. Splendor was apparently a teacher that was well loved and respected. To earn your keep your would accompany one of the brothers on their hunts and ransack the apartments or homes. She had a good eye for the valuable items.

Y/N's feline ears flatten against her head when she hears the intimacy happening with Offender and his victim, grabbing her headphones from Offender's bag and blasting music full volume so she wouldn't have to listen. Hunting with Offender was one of her least favorite past times. Y/N manages to collect plenty of jewelry, cash, light electronics, and many other items while she waits for Offender to finish his little endeavor.

"Here kitty kitty!" She hears him purr, earning an annoyed eye roll despite her already making her way to the bedroom.

"Offender! Put some clothes on!" Y/N cries with flushed cheeks upon entering the bedroom and finding the man in his full birthday suit.

"I'm still hungry. Would you mind satisfying my hunger even further?" He purrs, grasping Y/N's hands and pulling them away from her face.

"Get dressed before I ram my knee into your Crown Jewels," She growls, huffing in annoyance to the laughter it draws.

"Such a cruel kitty cat," Offender laughs, stepping away and sliding his trench coat over his form. "Alright I'm decent."

"Hardly," Y/N complains, accepting Offender's hand after grabbing their bag of 'goodies'.

"You in the mood for some food?" Offender questions, intending to stop somewhere before heading home.

"Sure, let's go somewhere with fish," Y/N purrs in excitement.

"Figured as much," Offender laughs. "Wait for me."

With those words Offender grabs the bag of goodies and takes it home before returning to Y/N's side, offering her his arm after shifting into human form, and taking her out for lunch. They select a rather popular restaurant that Offender easily wiggles himself into, the two enjoying their meal with a glass of wine.

"So you've gotten pretty close to Slender. When are you gonna try to mate?" Offender asks, causing Y/N to choke on her wine.

"Wh-What?!" She cries with flushed cheeks.

"It's rather obvious you like him," Offender points out, grinning at how nervous he made the woman.

"Is it really?" She mumbles, giving in to Offender's trap.

Yes she had developed a rather strong fondness for the eldest Slender brother, getting feelings she didn't think would be possible in her young life. There was a reason she was in constant company with Slenderman and she was very fond of their time spent together.

"I believe he likes you as well," Offended hums softly, hoping to give Y/N a bit of a confidence boost.

"Do you really think so?" Y/N asks, her cheeks still burning from embarrassment but her eyes lighting up like stars at the notion.

"You never know until you try but if I were to put money in it let's say I would be a rich man," Offender points out with a chuckle.

"I don't want to ruin a good thing," Y/N admits, letting go of a soft sigh. "What should I do Offender?"

"Take a chance. You never know what could happen," Offender points out.

Y/N took encouragement from his words knowing that if she never tried she would never know.

My Felidae (REWRITING) ((Slenderman x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now