Chapter 9 Getting to know Zaylee and Oaklyn

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Chapter 9 Getting to know Zaylee and Oaklyn

Zaylee and Oaklyn came close to Braelynn within touching distance. “Hi I’m Zaylee and this is Oaklyn,” said Zaylee. “I’m Braelynn it is nice to meet you” replied Braelynn. While that was taking place Dinah had gone over to the queens all happy that their daughter had become mates. Braelynn, Zaylee, and Oaklyn were talking getting to know each other it was soon time for them all to head home.

 “Zaylee and Oaklyn come on time to go home,” said Vienna “you too Braelynn,” said Dinah. All the kids answered  they didn’t want to go home yet. “You can see her tomorrow but you can’t disturb her work yes?” stated Quinn. 

Braelynn started to walk with her mom back to their car. Braelynn got in the car with her mom and Dinah drove them home. 

Once they got home Daniel was waiting with a glass of wine for Dinah and a beer for Braelynn. “How did it go asked Daniel “good they are my mates” responded Braelynn. “They are nice girls. They are right for our girl” said Dinah. Daniel smiled and pulled Braelynn into a hug. Braelynn sat with her mom and dad and watch Madam Sectary, Soon they were going to bed. 

Braelynn woke up and got ready for the day. Braelynn decided to wear blue jeans and a white T-shirt. Braelynn then packed a bag with joggers and a top in if she needed to change to train the recruits. Braelynn packed a few in the bag thinking of leaving them there and when dirty bring them home. 

Braelynn went downstairs and got some breakfast and a cup of mocha. Braelynn then saw that her mom had made her meal and packed it in her bag so she wouldn’t forget it. Once Daniel was ready Braelynn and Daniel left and went to work, Braelynn was happy she was working with her dad. Braelynn got in her office and put her things in the correct places she then looked at the clock and saw she had an hour before training. Braelynn set an alarm on her phone so she didn’t miss the training session. Braelynn was looking through the file when there was a knock on the door, she sniffed and she could smell her mates. 

Braelynn got up and opened the door and welcomed the door and then went to sit down seeing she only has 15 minutes before training. “How did you two sleep,” Braelynn asked while she was getting things ready. “Good we found out we don’t have your number,” said Oaklyn.

 “Pass me your phone” replied Braelynn. Braelynn then put her number on the phone and sent it to Zaylee. “There you go you both have my number now, you know you could have asked your moms they have it because of the job. So you wouldn’t have gone the night without it” responded Braelynn. Oaklyn and Zaylee faced each other and look baffled they didn’t think of that. 

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