Chapter 18 The Date

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Chapter 18 The Date

Braelynn, Zaylee, and Oaklyn arrived at a park. Upon walking up the park Braelynn looked shocked that there was a picnic set out and it looked beautiful. Braelynn then was awed. Braelynn then followed Zaylee and Oaklyn and sat down and Zaylee opened the basket. Braelynn was still in shock that someone would do this for her. Braelynn, Zaylee, and Oaklyn talked amongst themselves. 

Braelynn was getting excited about the wedding but Zaylee and Oaklyn didn't know that they were having a wedding on the 5th of August. Braelynn, Quinn, Scarlett, and Vienna had decided to surprise them with the wedding. Braelynn had a suit fitting tomorrow with her mom. Quinn, Scarlett, and Braelynn had picked the colors with help from Dinah. They chose the colors Purple and Silver. They were having different shades of purple. 

Soon their date had ended and they were back in the car. Zaylee was driving, Oaklyn in the front and Braelynn sitting behind Zaylee. Braelynn was going to kiss Zaylee and Oaklyn when they least expected it. Soon Braelynn arrived home and was walking up the door. Braelynn turned and waved to Zaylee and Oaklyn before going into her home. Braelynn knew that she only had a few weeks before she was moving in with Zaylee and Oaklyn. 

Braelynn walked up to her room after making sure the house was secure she knew her parents were in bed. Once Braelynn got to bed and took her to make up off and got into her PJs. Braelynn then fell asleep with a smile on her face. 

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