Chapter 20 Braelynn spends time with her siblings

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Chapter 20 Braelynn spends time with her siblings

Once arriving at the arcade, Braelynn, Jasper, and Kenau got out and Braelynn led them into the arcade and they started to play games. Braelynn smiled happy that she could spend time with her brothers. 

Braelynn and her brothers had won two thousand tickets and then they chose what to get with them they had to get two prices. Jasper chose a robot and Kenau a statue of the game of thrones. 

Braelynn and her brothers spent hours in the arcade before deciding to go to the pier and get fish and chips just like she wanted. Braelynn loved spending time with her siblings she just hoped that she can continue doing it when she married Zaylee and Oaklyn and had a family of her own. Braelynn valued her relationship with her siblings and her parents. They mean the world to her and she wouldn't have it any other way. Braelynn chose to let the boys go down to the beach and muck around Braelynn followed after them. Braelynn was happy that she could see her siblings free. Soon Jasper and Kenau came running up to me they saw a traveling theme park. 

Braelynn then took her brothers there. They spent 4 hours together when it was starting to get dark they decided to call it a night. When they got home it was 9 pm. Jasper and Kenau hugged Braelynn and said thank you. 

Once Braelynn, Jasper, and Kenau went into the house the boys went to go and get ready for bed. Braelynn went into the living room where her mom and dad were. “Hi, ma pa how was your night,, the redshirt asked Braelynn. “It was okay how was yours” answered Dinah, “it was amazing and the boys seemed to enjoy it. I was wondering if I could take Adryan, Brooklyn, and Mykel to the aquarium tomorrow,” asked Braelynn. 

Dinah and Daniel looked at each other and nodded their heads. Braelynn then went and got ready for bed before another busy day. 

Soon it was time to get up. Braelynn decided to hit the gym before taking her youngest siblings out. Braelynn then showered and got into comfortable clothing. Braelynn then walked downstairs to see her family eating breakfast. Braelynn sat at her place and started to dig in. Braelynn then heard her name being called. Dinah turned to Braelynn “do you want to message your mates to see if they want to come with their siblings and it’s just going to be Adryan and Brooklyn” said Dinah. Braelynn nodded and looked confused but her mom had a look to say don't ask. 

Braelynn then texted Zaylee within a minute she got a response yes with yes to the siblings. 

Braelynn then turned to her mom and dad. “Can I take the Toyota?” asked Braelynn? 

Braelynn then got ready and got Brooklyn and Adryan ready and went to the cars and got the kids buckled in before getting in herself. Braelynn drove to the castle. 

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