Chapter 37 First Day at the Castle

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Chapter 37 First Day at the Castle 

Braelynn, Zaylee, and Oaklyn went back to their room and got ready for the day before going shopping. Braelynn was happy to let her wives go into as many shops as they wanted to. Braelynn was just happy to be with her wives. Once they were already they choose to go in Braelynn’s car and they loaded up the car. Braelynn then drove them to the nearest mall Zaylee was sitting in the front on the way there and on the way back Oaklynn will sit in the front. 

Once they arrived Braelynn parked the car and then got out and held each of her wives hand. Braelynn then let them lead her she knew she would get what she needed but she likes spending time with her wives. Braelynn, Zaylee and Oaklyn spent all morning at the shopping center and Braelynn was happy to see her wives so happy. When the arrived home Zaylee and Braelynn brought the bags up to their room. Oaklynn was adamant to get new things for their room and Braelynn’s office. 

Braelynn then left them to it before finding Quinn to see if they had a game room or a room she can turn into a game room. Once Braelynn found Quinn they chatted for a while until Quinn had to go out but they had a room she could turn in to a game room. Braelynn felt cheeky for asking but that is what she likes to do in her down time.

Braelynn then went to her room and stood in the door way watching Zaylee wrestle with the quilt and Oaklyn on the floor laughing that brought a smile to Braelynn’s face watching her mates. 

Braelynn then went in the room to help Zaylee chuckling to herself. Zaylee then expressed herself 

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