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I felt queasy and I was sure that if I didn't stop biting my nails, I'd lose my fingers too.

I sighed, looking at my phone again. Zayn said he'd call me when he was done in work but it was eight now and he was usually done at seven.

Maybe he forgot?

He has been a wee bit forgetful lately so it isn't impossible.

Not that I'm was excited, I was just curious and I wanted this to happen, I wanted to stop being the nice romantic guy who lets everyone take advantage of him and if Zayn's so called playboy bunny would do the trick then I wanted it as soon as possible.

I stood up and looked at my reflection in the mirror, I'm not ugly or anything and I'm fit (I do my yoga and I go to the gym regularly) and I'm not an ass. I don't know why my exes don't want to be in a serious relationship with me.

Oh. I was lame, boring, clingy, awkward, the list goes on and on. That's what Nick said... And the others.

And that I'm too nice? When is being too nice a problem? It costs nothing to be nice.

In my opinion I'm not, I just want to show them how much I love them in an old fashioned way, I'm not the type to go for one night stands and such. I want to have real and true love.

I don't fuck either, I make love. (an: lmao i just haha).

I'm nothing like Christian Grey or sometimes I wish I was so I won't get my heart broken like this.

Before I completely lose myself in my thoughts, my phone rings and I'm quick to pick it up.

I look at the caller ID and sees that it's Zayn. I beam.

"Zayn man! Are we still on?" I ask too cheerily.

"Yeah yeah I'm waiting outside. Let's go." He hangs up and I grab my favorite blazer before going out.


"Haz?" Zayn breaks the comfortable silence, giving me a slide glance before looking back at the road.

"If you don't want to do this, you don't have to, you know that right?" I nod.

Thankful and grateful that I have Zayn as my best friend. I couldn't possibly ask for a better one.

"I want to Zee, if you think I need to do this then I believe in you. You won't fail me. I know." I smile reassuringly at Zayn and he mirrors it back.

"Where are we going anyways?" Zayn halts and parks near the club. Unbuckling his seat and he turns to look at me, my eyes scanning the place.

"I haven't been here before..." I look at all the people in line, entering the club named fantasy in neon lights.

"Really?" We both get out of the car and slam the door shut.

"Because I've seen Grimmie here a few times and this is like one of the most popular clubs here Har." My heart drops at that, stopping abruptly and looking at my best mate.

"R-Really? He-He's never mentioned it before. Are there strippers here? He-I... I thought he didn't do that kind of stuff, we were dating!" I stomp on the pavement angrily.

And here I am, never paying attention to the guys who flirt with me. How dare he?

"It was never exclusive though. It's okay mate. You deserve so much better. Forget about him yeah? This night is all about you and hot twinks wearing nothing but briefs and suspenders, grinding on you and oh don't forget the playboy bunnies. The night is still young and so are you. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts!" Zayn grabs me and puts an arm around my shoulder, smiling widely.

He's right. You're not really alive unless you're leaving eh?

"Tonight will be my night." I whisper determinedly and Zayn only throws his fist with a yeah, already hyped up and excited for what's to come.

"This is one of the nights you'll never forget, H!"

I really hope it is.


author's note: chapters are short yeah? faster updates. please be easy on me ive stopped writing for so long. so ask me anything? abt the story or about me, your choice babes.

so is anyone here shipping nelissa? i know for a fact that i dont. something about her irks me and i think shes shady idk. what are your thoughts?

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