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Harry (not edited because i'm a lazy bean)

I woke up to someone combing their hands through my hair, making me smile, knowing that it was Niall who was doing that.

"This is weird." His hand stops, making me frown a bit but then he's shuffling closer to my side and leans on my shoulder. I peek one eye open to see those blue eyes I've became fond of and he smiles.

"What is?" I ask as I look down on him, there's a blush covering his cheeks and I refrain myself from cooing at the sight. My little baby boy is adorable, I don't get how he gets from adorable to fuckable in like 0.2 seconds, but I guess that's what makes Niall even more beautiful and charming. His personality, his laugh, his smile, actually his everything.

"I never stay after having sex, I mean I never do this, cuddling and hugging and being cozy and all that, I guess it's because I don't want the customer to feel like there's something special, I mean it's just sex." He shrugs like that didn't hit a nerve. I don't quite understand what my feelings for him are yet, but that hurt a bit. Knowing that this is all "sex" to him but that's what exactly this is. Sex.

And that's what it's supposed to be for me? Fuck why am I even questioning myself.

"Uhm... Yeah. Just sex." I laugh nervously and hopes he doesn't notice. Maybe I should talk to Zayn about this? It's just I haven't talked to him lately because he's always going out, plans dates with liam, I don't wanna be a bitch and ruin it, I really want them to work. Zayn needs to settle with someone and from what I've heard from Niall. Liam is a gift from God.

And I am sticking with Niall because he can't possibly lie about that.

"Did I offend you? Sorry, it's not what I mean H- we're uhm we're friends, that doesn't apply to you." Now Niall definitely hit a nerve. It sucks knowing that I don't even have a chance with him.

Wait why am I thinking about chances? We're not anything, just friends fucking, I need to get that into my head. F uck.

"Aren't you going to tell me about Greg? Why haven't you seen him for years?" I suddenly find myself asking and it takes him by surprise, his gorgeous blue eyes widen adorably and I just want to cup his cheeks and pepper his face with kisses.

My little baby boy. (a/n: hello ebb & louie if youre reading this)

"Uhm... It's a long story." He bites his lip, my eyes following every movement and I don't want to be turned on because it's not the right time. God damn it Harry but I am. That doesn't mean I'll make it a sex thing though.

I still want to know more about him, did he finish college? What was he like when he was a kid? Was he gay ever since or did he have a girlfriend? Was he and his brother close? Is he a mommy's boy or a daddy's boy? Why is he so beautiful?

"It's a long story that I'm willing to listen to." I smile at him and he sighs, suddenly sitting up and running his hair through his blonde locks.

"I guess because I got taken away from him at an early age. I had to go away because I wanted to prove something to my dad, I wanted to please him because I always do something wrong in his eyes and Greg was the perfect child, I didn't hold a grudge on him of course he was the best brother I could ever have but I just wanted my dad to realize that I was worth something so I did." I nod and play with my fingers, Niall never looked sad but now he was exactly like that, it pained me to see him like this and I've decided for myself that I never want to be the cause of his sadness.

"Gemma and I fight a lot but I love her, back when we were... Kids. I used to decapitate her barbie dolls and cut their hair. It was funny. My parents got divorced and it was tough for me but I guess that made my mom happier, she wasn't with my dad, so I guess the divorce was a good thing. It also made me closer to my mom and my sister." He turned around and looked at me with soft and curious eyes, he knelt down in front of me, listening to me intently, like a child listening to his father tell bed time stories.

I was his daddy but you know.

"I guess that's what made me old fashioned about love. I didn't want my relationships to turn out like my parents' but it did in a way because of me being stupid-"

"Stop that." He interjects and slowly looks up into my eyes, green and blue colliding.

"I hate it when you do that." He mumbles.

"Do what?" I whisper, my hands itching to hold his. He was so beautiful and he was mine. In a way, he was, I know this wasn't going to last forever but I'll cherish all the time I have with him, every second that passes is important.

F uck I think I really need to talk to Zayn.

"Like something's wrong with you. Nothing is. People just don't deserve you. You're too good for this world." My cheeks heat up. I'm not... That kind. I was no angel.

But he was.

"You're perfect." He says cupping my cheeks while doing so, it takes me by surprise, my eyes widening at his statement. Surely this isn't normal for f uck buddies.

This time, I feel it. I feel my heart hammering against my chest and I want nothing to give him all the love in the world. I want him in my arms. It was such a strong feeling.

"Niall." I whisper and pull him closer to me.

"Thank you." I say before connecting our lips in a slow and languid motion.


author's note: WOAH OKAY THAT WAS EXTREME HOW ARE YALL HOLDING UP? This fluffy chapter is dedicated to narold™. My angels. My babies were sad so I was like I had to update.


qotd: what are you? comment #topharrie if youre more of a top harry because lesbian-est harry is daddy as f uck okay? And comment #bottomharrie if you think he's a lil cupcake princess who bottoms.

btw im #topharrie with my #topharrysquad

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