The Moment of Truth [3]

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The next morning when she woke, Arwen was reminded of just how much Camelot has been spoiling her. For as long as she could remember, she and Merlin had always slept on the floor in Ealdor, but she'd gotten so used to her bed in Camelot that she couldn't ignore the soft aching of her body after a night back to how it was.

Luckily, Arwen had prepared for just that and after some quick work, she had prepared a potion of turmeric and cloves to ease the aching bones and paired it with some rosemary for an extra boost of energy. Arwen made sure there was enough to go around the group, knowing that some might even be in more need of it than she as they all prepared for the day ahead.

"Have you still not learned how to dress yourself?" Morgana's question to Arthur had Arwen holding back a small laugh as she knelt on the ground to tie up the laces of her boots.

"You don't have a dog and fetch the stick yourself." Arthur said matter-of-factly, earning himself a subtle glare from the redhead. One that he didn't notice as he continued to add. "No offence, Merlin."

"None taken." The manservant was, of course, more than used to Arthur and his off-handed comments that they no longer bothered him. Especially not at a time like this, when there was no reason for Arthur to be here and capable of making them, and yet he was.

"Prince Arthur, you didn't finish your breakfast." Hunith came forward, handing the bowl still full of food to the Prince with a kind smile on her face.

"Didn't I?" Arthur pretended to be surprised as he took the bowl, but from the look on his face it was clear he had no wish to eat any more of it.

"Come on, eat up." Morgana taunted, able to read the look on the Prince's face just as well as Arwen could. However, while the Ward taunted him, Arwen stood in her spot and walked to the door with quick steps, wanting to get out of the house before Arthur did something even more stupid and she snapped at him.

"I'll go start gathering the people." She announced, walking past Arthur and rolling her eyes at the poor act of pretending to eat and enjoy the food as she made her way out into the village.

However, she did not manage to get far before she found herself surrounded. With everything going on the day before, Arwen hadn't had much time to properly say hello to everyone she wanted to. And some seemed to have taken it upon themselves, growing impatient. But then again, at their age it was hard to have much patience.

"Wen, you didn't come say hi last night." Arwen's eyes instantly glanced down to the little girl, her blonde hair tied up in two small pigtails and her brown eyes staring up at the Ambrosius woman until she knelt down to be level with her.

"I am so sorry, Maris, but I promise to make it up to you, alright? How about tonight I come by and tell you a story, like I used to before?" Arwen smiled at the five year old girl that she often took care of while her parents found themselves too busy with working in the fields.

"Can we come too? We've missed your stories." Two more children came up, the sight of Arwen kneeling down with Maris basically an invitation for more to come, Johanna and Taryn. Of course, Arwen wouldn't have said no to any of the children, but especially not to Dariol's twins.

"Of course, my sweets. It'll be just like old times." Arwen said, gently brushing some of Taryn's messy hair out of her face. She could see the sadness in their eyes, and wished there was something she could do. However, before any of them had a chance to say anything, a soft cough interrupted them. Looking up, Arwen's eyes met with Arthur's, unsure of how long he'd been standing there and watching her interact with the children.

"Go on, I'll come find you later, alright?" Arwen instructed the children gently as she rose to her feet, ready to see what the Prince needed. At a time like this, she knew it was unwise to let the children stay around to hear it. She watched them run off for a moment before turning back to Arthur.

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