The Dragon's Call [2]

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The next morning, Arwen awoke to the feeling of sunlight shining down on her face. The sound of shuffling caught her attention as she looked to her brother who was pulling on his brown jacket. Their room was small, with two cots cramped into it with a small wooden crate nestled between them. Arwen didn't mind, after all, it was the first time since she could remember that she was sleeping on an actual bed. Back home in Ealdor, both she and Merlin insisted that Hunith be the one to occupy the only bed in their home. Compared to sleeping on the floor, the room they were given in Gaius' chambers was quite a luxury.

"Good morning sleepy head." Merlin greeted her with a large smile once he noticed her sitting up in her bed. She returned smile happily as she got out of bed and moved around to get ready for the day. She may have entered Camelot with her sword on her hip, Arwen saw no reason to carry it around. It wasn't in her job description, and with so many knights patrolling the streets she didn't think it would be necessary even if trouble should arise. The two made their way out of the room, to find Gaius already awake and moving around his chambers hard at work.

"I got you water. You didn't wash last night." Gaius spoke to Merlin, pointing to the bucket which was placed on the edge of the wooden table.

"Sorry." Merlin apologized, feeling guilty that Gaius had to go do that himself only because he had forgotten.

"Help yourself to breakfast." Gaius told them, pointing towards two bowls placed on the table. Both Merlin and Arwen took a seat at the table and Merlin found himself frowning down on the watery porridge. Arwen shook her head at him with an amused smile as she scooped come up and took a bite. It wasn't the most delicious of meals, but she had never been picky about her food so she didn't mind it too much. It would keep her going through the day and that was what mattered.

Her amusement however quickly diminished as she watched Gaius push the bucket of water off of the table. Thinking the action was incidental, Merlin quickly stood from his seat, his eyes glowing gold as he stopped the water in the middle of its fall. A surprised look passed between the sorcerer and court physician, and all Arwen could do was watch as Merlin's concentration broke and the bucket fell to the floor with the water creating a large puddle.

"How did you do that? Did you incant a spell in your mind?" Gaius asked, sounding truly interested. This time Arwen wasn't as worried, because Gaius had made it clear he wouldn't say anything and she suspected he only did what he did to stifle his own curiosities. So as Merlin answered, she too stood from her seat and moved around, grabbing hold of the mop which was in the corner of the chambers, ready to clean up the mess.

"I don't know any spells." Merlin answered honestly all the while approaching Arwen and taking the mop from her hands. He could've focused to make sure that the fallen bucket made no mess at all, so since he didn't, he felt it only right to clean it up himself. Neither of them were going to make Gaius do it, even if he was the one to spill the water.

"So what did you do? There must be something." Gaius spoke, intrigued by the boy's abilities. He hoped there would be some explanation for what he was able to do, but neither of the siblings could give him one.

"It just happens." Merlin said as he began cleaning the puddle off the floor, allowing Arwen to return to her breakfast.

"Well, we better keep you out of trouble. You can help Arwen and me, until I find some paid work for you." Gaius said, before moving towards the work he was doing before Merlin and Arwen entered the room. "Here. Hollyhock and Feverfew for Lady Percival, and this is for Sir Olwin. He's as blind as a weevil, so warn him not to take it all at once. You two can take it to them together, get to know the town a bit better." Gaius spoke as he placed a small sack and a bottle filled with an orange potion in it on the table next to Merlin.

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