Beauty and the Beast [4]

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Once her business in the lower town had finished, Arwen returned to the palace. However, instead of going back to the physicians' chambers right away to check on how Merlin's task of replacing Catrina's potion had gone, she made a small detour, finding herself at the door to the prince's chambers once again. And this time, she even knocked.

"Come in." She opened the door once she heard his call come from inside. Stepping into the chambers, she found him sitting at his desk, eyes widening as he saw her. "Arwen!" It was rather obvious that she wasn't someone she was expecting to see, but soon the surprise was replaced by concern. He was about to ask whether everything was alright, but she spoke before he could.

"I saw what you did earlier. The people owe you a debt of gratitude." Arwen spoke in a soft tone as she closed the door before stepping closer to the table. For a moment, the room was silent, making her send him a curious look as she noticed his dejected state.

"The people owe me nothing. My father's still going to impose the tax." Arthur announced in a displeased tone, making Arwen's brows furrow in disappointment.

"Will he not be persuaded?" She asked, knowing that Uther was always most open to advice when it came from his son rather than anyone else.

"Not by me. He can't stand the sight of me."

That statement had Arwen shaking her head in disbelief as she took yet another step closer while she spoke. "I don't believe that to be true. Everyone who knows him knows how much your father loves you." There were many things she disliked about Uther, but that was one she would never deny or belittle.

"You should've heard the way he spoke to me." Arthur, having a hard time believing her after what had happened, stood from his seat, about to walk away but with a hold on his arm, Arwen made him turn back to look at her.

"He has a short temper; you'll see it'll be fine with time." She provided reassuring words in an attempt to comfort him. "Everyone appreciates what you did. You tried, and they'll remember that."

"Maybe he's right. One day I will be the King of Camelot, and I cannot be a friend to the people as well as their ruler." Arthur said in a heavy voice, giving out a small sigh as his hand lingered above Arwen's for a moment before taking hold of it.

"I know I don't know much about ruling, but I don't think that's true." Arwen said, ignoring the thoughts screaming out in the back of her head at the words. "A good ruler takes care of their people, stands up for them. That is what you did today. You have a kind heart, Arthur. Please don't let others convince you it's a weakness."

Silence passed over them, Arthur's blue eyes entirely trapped by Arwen's as his face showed all the emotions he was feeling. However, before Arwen had a chance to decipher them, a knock on the door and the sound of it opening forced them to break apart, each taking a step back as they turned to look at the knight who interrupted them.

"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry for the intrusion, my lord." Leon's eyes bounced between Arthur and Arwen in surprise, slightly awkward as he was unsure of what he'd just walked in on. Not that he'd overstep his bounds and ask.

Arthur coughed to clear his throat before he spoke. "It's alright, Leon, what is it?"

"The King has sent for you." The knight announced soon after, pushing his surprise to the back of his mind as he brought up what he came for in the first place. Eyes turning to Arwen, he added more information. "The whole council has been summoned."

Arthur and Arwen shared a curious look between themselves, wondering what the summons may be about. Still, they both followed after Leon quickly, and by the time they reached the council chambers, everyone was already there. Quietly making their way through the doors of the council chambers, Leon and Arwen stood off to the side while Arthur walked forward to stand in front of his father and Catrina.

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