The Coming of Arthur [6]

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Morning rolled around and with it came the time to prepare and plan. Once more, the group found themselves sitting around the table as Arthur spoke. "We don't stand a chance taking on Morgana's entire army." The prince said in a knowing tone. As much as he wished he could handle it all at once, there wasn't anything they could do for now about the immortal men. "So, the purpose of this mission is not to take Camelot back, but simply to rescue my father."

"Then it's a good thing he's in the most opportune place." Arwen spoke up from her seat beside him, making not only the prince but a few others send her confused looks which prompted her to continue. "Anywhere else, and we'd have to go past the walls and through the entire city and the citadel itself to get to him." She said in a knowing tone.

"Is there another way?" Dario asked with furrowed brows. It certainly would have been a useful thing to know before.

"There's a tunnel leading from outside of the walls and to the entrance of the cells." Arwen said with a nod, eyes looking towards Arthur who she knew would be aware of it. "Remember? You and I used it once to escape with a prisoner." She reminded him, making the prince nod as he the memory came back to him.

"I'm sorry, you helped a prisoner escape?" Edmund found himself asking in a surprised voice.

"A druid boy, yes." Arthur confirmed it, not even noticing the surprise which passed over those who'd come here from Arwen's side. "But Morgana was a part of that plan. She'll know of the entrance and know I'm aware too. It'll be well guarded."

"Perhaps, but with less force than everything else." Arwen said. There was no way she'd put more men on a secret entrance than throughout the entire citadel. "And once we get there, to the cells, we have a better chance."

"They'll be guarded too. Heavily if its where she's keeping the king." Lancelot pointed out, adding one more flaw which would have taught Morgana a lesson in the time since they'd been gone. "And after your escape too."

"Sir Leon," Arwen turned to the knight. "How many knights would you estimate are trapped down there?"

"Five dozen at the very least."

"If we can release the other knights, then it doesn't matter whether Morgana's men are immortal or not if they're outnumbered ten to one." Arwen noted, eyes looking to Arthur as she made her point.

For a moment, the prince nodded his head in agreement, the plan thus far being their best option. "But we'd need it to remain that way to stand a chance." He added on. "We mustn't let a single men get warning out and raise the alarm."

"We need to take out the warning bell." Lancelot nodded his head in agreement clearly offering to take the task on himself. "That way the warriors have no mean of communication, but I'll need someone with me who knows the castle."

"I'll go." Merlin volunteered instantly, before anyone even had a chance to. And it earned him a very confused look from his sister, which he did his best to ignore as Arthur gave his approval before diving further into the smaller details.

 And it earned him a very confused look from his sister, which he did his best to ignore as Arthur gave his approval before diving further into the smaller details

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