The Last Dragonlord [2]

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Arwen had been somewhat wary when going to see the man Lord Warren had mentioned to her when they last spoke during his stay, the one he suggested she go to if she ever needed to send a message to her people while Edmund wasn't available. And considering he hadn't yet come to her with any new updates on their progress, Arwen had to do it this way.

Upon further inspection and some questioning, she'd discovered that the man, Cassian Bellware had moved to Camelot shortly after Arthur's twenty-first birthday, during the event of which she'd first met Lord Warren. And he'd moved there at the instruction of Lord Warren himself, gotten a job at a tavern which the knights of Camelot liked to frequent while simultaneously reporting back to Geoffrey with any information he managed to overhear and deemed worthy of note.

The fact that he'd lived there for so long and hadn't even made himself known to her in any way whatsoever while doing his job and keeping her secret, somewhat reassured Arwen in his loyalty. Which was why she didn't have too much worry as she moved through the night in the woods beyond Camelot.

She could hear the sounds of chaos which had started up again since she left, the castle once more under attack by the flying beast that continued to set it ablaze. It would make returning to it much more difficult, but she pushed those worries to the back of her mind for now as she continued on her way to the meeting place which had been set.

"Edmund?" She whispered out into the night as she reached the bend of the small creek which passed alongside the walked trail, eyes looking around the trees until she heard the snap of a twig behind her. Spinning on her heel, she let out a small breath of relief as she caught sight of three familiar faces. "There you are."

"Our apologies, my Lady. We didn't mean to cause you a fright." It wasn't Edmund who spoke but the blonde haired boy who stood by his side, Cole Willmont, Geoffrey on his other side as well.

"It's alright." Arwen reassured him as she walked back, bridging some of the distance between them as she spoke. "Although, there was no need for all of you to come. For this meeting I needed just one of you. But I am thankful, nonetheless."

"And what exactly is the reason you've called for us?" Geoffrey asked curiously, weary eyes looking back in the direction of Camelot. Of course, word had spread about the danger which the kingdom faced, but hearing of it and seeing it, even from a distance, were two entirely different things.

"If I needed you to organise safe passage for someone out of Camelot, could it be done?" Arwen asked curiously.

"We can go right now. The sooner, the better really." Edmund said with a firm nod, making the redhead let out a small laugh at his eagerness. Not that she could blame him for it.

"Not for myself, for someone else." She pointed out, watching the disappointment spread not only over Edmund's face, but also that of his father as well as Cole's. She couldn't blame them for hoping she'd want to escape all of this, but Arwen had no intentions of leaving when she was needed. Just this little excursion was too much already, in her opinion.

"Who is it that you need it for?" Edmund asked, not trying to force her into it. Even though he hadn't known the princess for long, one thing was already abundantly clear to him about her character; she wouldn't be talked into anything she didn't want to do.

"Arthur's gone to find a dragonlord and bring him to Camelot," She began to explain.

"Dragonlords are extinct, my Lady. I suspect the prince won't have much luck." Geoffrey pointed out.

"One survived the Great Purge, but the details of that don't matter right now." Arwen gave them the simple version before getting back to the topic at matter. While Arthur is willing to let him go free once he's helped handle the dragon threatening Camelot, I don't trust Uther to share in the sentiment."

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