The Beginning of the End [2]

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"You think he might just be losing his hearing?" Arwen asked curiously as she and Gaius approached the door of the Physician's Chambers once they had returned from checking on one of Gaius usual patients who claimed to have an ear infection. 

"Well, he is... Aging." Gaius said with a shrug of his shoulders while Arwen pulled on the door of their chambers. She was about to reply but was stopped as she and Gaius caught sight of Merlin who seemed like he was just on his way out. 

"Ah, there you are. I need you to pick some heather for me." Gaius announced, happy to finally catch the boy. Arwen was his apprentice, but often Gaius preferred to give her some time to herself and made Merlin help him with a few simple things he knew didn't require too much medical knowledge. 

"Er... Can I do it later? I was just going out?" Merlin asked, and instantly Arwen's interests were sparked as she moved to set down Gaius' bag on the table. He had protested in the start, but in the end she managed to convince him to let her carry it. 

"What's the rush Merlin?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, already suspecting what the truth may be. But of course, she didn't expect the truth to come from his mouth. 

"Who set this book out?" Before Merlin had a chance to even come up with a lie, Gaius' question made the siblings look over at him. Arwen didn't see the book well from her spot, but she didn't have to know that it wasn't her. Unlike Merlin she made sure to clean up after she does something, and put things, especially Gaius' books, back in their right place. 

"It was me. I was doing some reading." Merlin answered, obviously hoping to finish the conversation so he could get to wherever he needed to be so urgently. Arwen was completely certain he wasn't rushing around because he needed to tend to Arthur's list. 

"Oh? I'd given up hoping you might take more of an interest in my work." Gaius' voice showed the excitement he felt as he thought of Merlin starting to explore the art of science. And Arwen too was suddenly interested, curious to see what had peaked Merlin's interests as he had never shown any before. 

"No. It's fascinating." Merlin lied. In truth he was bored out of his mind when looking through the book in search of the information he needed. 

"Merlin, you are a riddle wrapped up in a mystery." Gaius was more than surprised to hear Merlin's words. But there was no doubt he'd use this moment, no matter how fleeting, to his advantage. 

"Truly, full of surprises." Arwen stated as she moved over to check the book which Merlin had been reading. Her eyes were fixed on her brother as he gave her a questioning look, noticing that Arwen didn't sound as ecstatic as Gaius, but instead as if she knew more than she was letting on. He truly hoped not because he wanted to keep her as far away from what he was doing as he could. 

"That's me." Merlin stated before quickly changing the subject in an attempt to escape once more. "I was just getting some cleaning supplies. Arthur's been complaining about the state of his chambers." 

"I think Arthur's chambers can wait. I'm not missing the chance to begin your education." Gaius wasn't easing up, and Arwen drew amusement from seeing the hope fade from Merlin's eyes. 

"Really, I should go." 

"Oh come on Merlin, I'm sure Arthur won't mind." Arwen teased, knowing that in truth he would most likely kill Merlin once he did show up for his work. 

"Sit!" Gaius instructed, pushing Merlin's shoulders down so he would sit at the bench while he went to his shelves in search of a particular book. "We'll start with some basic anatomy." He announced as he pulled a thick volume from the shelves and Merlin's eyes widened in desperation. 

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